The End

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Tori's POV

Hunter left at about 8pm with a kiss on the cheek and a promise that he would see me tomorrow bright and early. I grinned at him and Damon sat in the chair bymy side.

"We never seem to get of the hospital huh?" he asked and I laughed.

"I guess not." I said pausing before asking a question that had been driving me crazy. "Damon?"


"How'd you know I was in trouble? How did the police know? I only called Hunter." I said honestly.

"Hunter texted me where to come and I came. He said he was calling th cops on the way because by the sound of it, just him and Ben going at it wouldn't be enough to get you back and safe." Damon finished and I nodded, understanding.

"Why did you call Hunter?" Damon asked me, looking slightly hurt by my choice in who to ask for help.

"I didn't want you to get hurt. I didn't want you there becuase Ben's dangerous and if I lose you... I'll never forgive myself." I said, surprising Damon and myself.

"But you can put Hunter in danger?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hunter is way more manly. I knew he could handle it." I said laughing with Damon.

"Please, I work out all the time."

"To LMFAO I bet huh? That must be where your big ego comes from." I said and he laughed

"Hey! LMFAO is a great band! Don't be mad, stop hatin' is bad!" He sang the last part to me and I couldn't help but laugh at him. (From their song Party Rock Anthem if you didn't know)

"Damon you are so weird."

"You love me!" He said and we both went quite for a second.


"What?" He said turning to me. "Yeah what?"

"You're right." I said shrugging.

"I'm right about what? You can't just say I'm right and not tell me why!" He said and I laughed lightly.

"You're right. I do love you." I said casually but I saw Damon's expression. A sudden grin broke out on to his face.

"Say it again." He said, grinning like a fool. I laughed at how absurd this was but nodded.

"I love you Damon Cahill with all my heart." I said and I saw Damon run toward me, his arms wrap around me in a hug.

"I love you too!" He said happily, and I started chuckling at him.

"You sound like a girl from a chick flick." I said and laughed at him again.

"Happens." He said shrugging and I laughed again. I moved over in my bed and he lied next to me for the rest of the night. He whispered to me how sweet I was and all sorts of cute comments. I never would have guessed that this guy that sauntered into my high school every day, that I hated with all my heart, could be a sweet gentleman. I kissed his forehead as he continued sleeping.



"Did you hate me when we first met?"

"With all my heart." I said chuckling.

"What happened?"

"I stopped hating you and started to realize what a great guy you were." I said honestly.

"That and I was an asshole but you changed me." I laughed at Damon's comment but nodded in agreement.

"Yeah that to." I said kissing him on the forehead before drifting off to sleep.

The End.

IT'S OVER! Sadness! It was a cute ending though right? I hope you guys got all thoughs LMFAO comments in their haha. Props if you did! I saw LMFAO live and they we're really cool! They are hilarious and awesome live. I'll probably put an LMFAO video on the side for your enjoyment. Anyway, if you liked this book, check out my new book That's Just How It Goes. I'll be updating almost everyday. Comment and Vote and (maybe) Fan if you are amazing haha. Love you guys! Thanks for reading this! Bye! :D

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