5. She's Back

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Chapter 5 She's Back

Paige's POV

Looking outside as I cruise towards home, I think not much has changed since I went away to college and Grad School. Still the same towering buildings housing the greatest minds the business world has ever seen. Still those same crowded streets where people almost run towards their destination. Still the overly annoying traffic. But I guess, I was the only one who changed. You'd never think I was the orphaned kid 7 years ago. That person who didn't know what to do next, it was a good thing Uncle Max was always there to guide me all throughout. After my dad died, I knew I had to do everything I can to make him proud. I hope I have...

I just finished my MBA, and I was top of my class. Though I know people on the board t the company are skeptical about what I can do for them, if I was ready...some even question my capability in handling it. I worked my ass off to be able to deserve being my Father's legacy, and I will prove it all to them. Even if it means I had to start at the bottom.

"We're here Ms Stanton". Marcus, my driver says, pulling me out from my silent musings. Looking at the building of the building I called home. It's been a while...

"Thanks, Marc", I say as I exit the car.

The building looks the same, the only difference would probably be the interior of the lobby, as well as the receptionist. But the smiling face if our security guard, Peter is still the same.

"Paige, my my. Look how you've grown", the now gray-haired man.

"Hey pete, it's been a while" offering him a smile. "Can you have someone take my bags upstairs please" I ask

"Sure thing Ms Stanton" he says, and almost immediately everyone within hearing distance in the lobby turn their head towards the prodigal daughter who finally returns after a few years of hiding away from everyone who'd want to have a piece of the Stanton enterprise. Even if the truth was that I was away for school, the press can sometimes make a story out of thin air. Hating the eyes of these people from me, I hurry toward the elevators and head towards my penthouse. I knew I had to start getting used to so much attention no, especially if I was to take over the company...But probably not today, I'd want to have a quiet night to ready myself from the mayhem I have to face next week.

The Elevators open to the vast penthouse I once shared with my dad. Now, I will mostly live here alone, Martha comes along once in a while now, I kow she misses her family terribly. Walking in, memories from my childhood come unbidden. An unbearable amount of grief washed all over me.

Nothing has changed, still the white-walled foyer I'd run to when I hear the elevator's ping knowing that dad would be the one in it. Same couch in front of the fireplace where me and dad would snuggle in during the cold days. It's that same view I adored which made dad buy the penthouse when it got hard for the both of us to live in a our old home without mom.

Sighing heavily, I trudged towards the the bedrooms. Before I left for college, Me and Martha moved my room to my dad's. I wanted to preserve everything that was in it. Plus my room here wasn't appropriate for my age anymore, since I went to boarding school when I was in High School and only went home for short breaks only to spend it somewhere vacationing with my father.

I dropped my belongings at the chaise lounge in front of the fireplace in the massive masters and face planted in the soft bed. The silence in the house was disturbed by a ringing that was coming from my bag.

Groaning, I lazily got up to get my phone seeing Uncle Max on my screen

"Hello?" I say

"Paige, are you at the penthouse now?" Uncle Max asks

"Yeah, I just arrived..."

"Listen, don't go outside..."

"But why?..."

"Paparazzi are outside your building, I figured it was going to be news of you coming back here. But I didn't think it was going to be this huge. I'll get a bodyguard on you for the time being until everything settles down"

"Oh...", I was flabbergasted. Paparazzi? Outside the building? I mean I'm no Angelina Jolie for then to wait out my building just to get what a photo of me? why though?

"Anyway sweetie, remember that assistant I interviewed for you?"

"Riley?" I asked, Uncle Max thought I needed an assistant to keep me updated with the things I needed to do now that I'm back and about to take over dad's company. He's gay, which was a huge plus for me. I liked gay guys, they give constructive criticism. And Lord knows how much I needed someone honest by my side. The conversations I've had with riley over skype or on the phone, I've deduced that me and him will work pretty well together.

"Yes, well I asked him to come early tomorrow there. I've already briefed him about the things you are to do this week. And your bodyguard will be there as well for you to meet" He finishes

"Okay, got it"

"Okay sweetie, I'll see you when I get back on saturday"

"Alright, thanks Uncle Max", Sighing i threw my phone on my bed and made my way to the bathroom

Better start preparing for bed, it seems tomorrow would be a busy day.


Okay, honest thoughts

I know it's boring hut bear with me

I had to get this in there.

Update hopefully tomorrow.

if not, I promise it is going to be within this week

Lots of love guys


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