2 - the sexy 17 year old guitarist

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hannah's p.o.v

The next day was Thursday, our flight was meant to be at 9pm which meant we would land in gloomy England in the morning. For that whole day Luke didn't speak or even look at me although his 'punishment' of not being able to come near me was over. I was angry at both Michael and him; Michael for making a big deal out of such a little thing and Luke for ignoring me because of such a little thing.

"Guys all our seats are split up apart from two of us." Calum groaned when he glanced at our tickets before we boarded the plane.

"Does anyone really not want to sit on their own?" Michael asked. My hand shot straight up; I hated dealing with strangers, especially on my own.

"I'll sit next to you then!" Ashton exclaimed but then he eyed Luke. "Unless anyone else wants to..."

Luke looked like he was about to say something but then stopped. "Yeah that's cool." He shrugged which I have to admit broke my heart a little. Why was he being such an idiot?

The 12 hour flight was definitely starting to be the most boring time of my life. I had thought Ashton would be good entertainment for a good few hours but it turned out he was too focused on playing games, writing down some lyrics and then sleeping. To be honest, I wasn't sure how I wasn't sleeping yet either; everyone around me was. All I knew was that I was seriously tired but my body just wouldn't switch off.

About 8 hours into the flight I thought I was going to go crazy because I had absolutely nothing to do and no one to speak to until Luke came over to chat. I almost thought he was going to just say something to Ash and then leave but he deliberately made Ash wake up and move to Luke's seat so he could sit beside me. "Hey." He smiled weakly. "You okay?"

Am I ok? Is that the best you can do, Luke? "Uh, yeah I'm fine." I shrugged.

"You ready to meet your lover boys?" He smirked.

"Hell yeah, I heard they're so much better than 5 Seconds of Summer." I giggled. "Much better looking too."

Luke fake gasped. "Even better looking than the one called Luke? The sexy 17 year old guitarist that can make any girl swoon?"

"What are you even talking about, Luke's the worst looking one. Besides he's way too young for me." I made a disgusted face.

"Oh come on you don't really think that... And you're only a year older!"

"I do think that though." I smirked.

"Really?" For some reason, he started to actually sound hurt by what I was saying but I decided to ignore it not to give into defeat so I carried on with the joke.

"Mhmm." And that's probably where the joke should have stopped. I've never seen Luke so annoyed over something like this before. It was strange.

"Well I actually thought we had something sometimes... But I guess not."


He started to stand up from Ashton's seat to go back to his original but I grabbed his arm and shouted "No, wait!" causing a bunch of people to give me a disapproving look as they jolted awake.

"I was joking!" I laughed nervously.

Luke widened his eyes when he realised how much of a big mistake he made. "Oh yeah so was I!" He laughed. Now I looked like an absolute idiot.

When we finally arrived in England we were swamped by a few dozen fans but we managed to make a quick escape to our ride to Harry's house in London. I hadn't bothered speaking to Luke since that awkward situation on the plane even though he tried to say things to me numerous times before we got into the cars. He can get a taste of his own medicine.

"What's up with you and Luke?" Ash asked me as I was in the car with him and Calum while Luke and Michael were in the other with the majority of our suitcases. I shrugged and went back to browsing my phone. I had to keep the tears locked in.

When we arrived at Harry's house, Michael and Luke's car was no where to be seen but I tried not to be bothered by that. Maybe they just got stuck in traffic or something. A perfectly good explanation for this.

We were greeted by the sounds of Niall playing You and I on his guitar and I think I almost peed myself from excitement. "ASH!" Louis and Zayn exclaimed simultaneously and ran to hug him. Whilst laughing, Liam, Harry and Niall calmly greeted Calum and then noticed me standing by the door.

"Who's this?" Louis asked. "Security!" He joked although it slightly made me panic.

"I'm Niall." He was such an adorable guy. Everything about him was so perfect it hurt my heart. Liam introduced himself next but it's not like they really had to, I obviously knew who they were.

"And I'm-"

"Harry, I know who you guys are, you really don't need to introduce yourselves." I chuckled, the others joining in.

There was another knock on the door and finally Michael showed up along with Luke who now had a lip piercing. WAIT WHAT!?

luke's pov

As soon as I stepped through the door Hannah looked at me and passed out. Damn I didn't know the lip was going to have that much impact on her. I'm glad it did though, I just want her to like me. I hated the past few days, we were so distant with each other and I never knew what was going on with her. The conversation on the plane also messed with my head quite a bit.

When Harry and Liam put her on the sofa, Niall skipped to the kitchen to get an ice pack and some water.

"She's quite cute." That was something I really didn't want to hear, especially from Harry freaking Styles. There was an awkward silence in the room when Michael glared at Harry while Calum, Liam and Zayn looked like they were ready to pull Michael back any second. Ash just looked at me with his head cocked to one side as if he was trying to figure out what was going through my head. "I'm going to carry her to her room." He then said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Third door on the left upstairs." Harry told him. I was sure he had hoped to do Ashton's job.

Liam offered us some drinks which were accepted straight away although I still felt like such a baby as everyone else was over 18 and legally allowed to go out to drink at clubs and bars but the only reason they didn't was probably me. It sucked.

When Ashton finally came downstairs he took both my drink and his, which I had been saving until he came back, out of my hands which confused me at first but when he said "She wants to see you." I was more than happy to let him even drink my beer.

"Don't do anything funny." Michael warned me then chuckled which made me feel so much better about the situation back at home when I spent the night in Hannah's bed.

Every step up felt like an eternity but I eventually made it into her room.

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