8 - i'll always be here

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☯ hannah's pov ☯

Oh thank god Harry will be able to help me to deal with the film, I thought. "Hey." I said back as he sat beside me.

Before he could say anything else I basically through myself into his chest because of another big jump scare. For god's sake, Hannah. Get a grip on yourself, especially because it's Harry.

After the film had finally finished, Louis woke Liam up so they could head back to their hotel. They agreed to let Niall and Zayn stay asleep until the next morning. Harry suggested he would do the same as he was 'too lazy to walk back' but I had a feeling there was something else he was just not telling them. Uh oh.

As I had guessed, Harry wasn't just too lazy to walk back to his hotel but he wanted to talk to me. "Are you really happy with Luke?"

The question through me back a little. "Yes, of course! Why?"

"I just don't want him to hurt you, I have a bad feeling about it." He shrugged.

This angered me for some reason. "Alright, Harry, we both know that you like me a bit and you're jealous of mine and Luke's relationship but you knew it was going to happen. You even told me he liked me on the first night we met and you seemed to be ok with it until it actually happened. God, I always thought you were this really nice guy who was so nice to girls but you're making yourself out to be a complete dickhead."

Now he looked taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"This isn-"

"Just go to sleep." I rolled my eyes and tried to turn around to go to my room but he grabbed my arm and spun me back around. Our faces were a mere few inches away from each other. I could feel the sexual tension radiating off him while I was scared to bits of what was going to happen. I didn't want to kiss him, I really didn't.

Surprisingly, he only kissed my cheek and said, "I'll always be here."

"I know, Harry... But you need to know to keep your distance while I'm with Luke. Maybe in a couple of weeks, months, years I'll be with you but for now please let me be happy."

He nodded and smiled weakly before letting me go to join Luke in my room.

The morning was chaotic as everyone had to leave right after breakfast because of the lack of space in my house. 

I was still shaken by the weird moment with Harry the night before but I was just glad he hadn't tried to kiss me properly. Maybe this was him trying to live up to being a gentleman. Yeah right.

"Mornin' Han." Luke's raspy morning voice whispered into my ear. Oh jesus.

"Mornin'." I said, giving him a peck on the lips which immediately turned into a make out session as his tongue slipped into my mouth and we battled for air for a couple of minutes.

Once the moment was over we made our way to the kitchen. "Egg and bacon?" I asked as I pointed to the frying pan which was still half full of eggs and bacon after the other guys had left. He nodded vigurously at the thought of food which made me smile because he almost hit his head on the cabinet.

After Luke had finished his breakfast, he informed me he planned to go out for a while to meet his old friend from school. I expected Luke to take much less than over 5 hours but I didn't bother calling and interrupting him during his reunion with a friend when it was nearing 8 o'clock in the evening and he had left at noon.

The boredom took over so I decided to take a peak at my Twitter feed and see what everyone had been doing. One thing I was really not expecting to see was the bunch of tweets about some Sara girl that was apparently hooking up with Luke.

"ASHTON!" I yelled to make sure he came out of his room as soon as possible. "What is this?" I asked when I handed him my phone with everything about the Sara girl on it. She had posted a picture of herself in a t-shirt which Luke had apparently given her and she had hickies on her neck. I knew that Luke enjoyed kissing my neck so what if this was all true?

"It's nothing, it's someone trying to become famous as usual." Ash rolled his eyes. He seemed to be used to this stuff but I had never interferred with the boys' business on social networks before.

However, some of her tweets were about meeting him today and hoping to get another t-shirt from him. I was getting pissed off although Ashton told me not to worry about it too much. Michael joined us too and explained that many 'fans' do this type of thing to gain publicity. They think it'll give them a chance to meet whoever they're trying to 'date' but in reality it will make the boys hate them although they can't tell the public that. That made me feel slightly better.

We discussed the matter further with Louis, Harry and Liam, who came over as soon as possible because they were experts at dealing with girlfriend troubles on Twitter.

Luke finally rocked up home an hour later and Michael immediately showed him the tweets and pictures and confronted him about it.

All of us expected Luke to simply say 'oh no, that must be some annoying fan trying to get noticed' or 'I have absolutely no idea how this is even happening' but he hesitated a lot and fiddled with his fingers. There was obviously something he wasn't telling us and, mostly importantly, me. 

"Luke?" I asked, tearing up at the thought of him cheating on me when we had only been together for a few days. 

"Sara is the girl I went to meet today, you know... The friend from my school?" He sighed, knowing there was nothing he could do to take it all back now.

"You mean you've been seeing this girl?" Ashton asked angrily. Woah, never seen him get angry before!

"No! I don't know whether the pictures of the top and the hickies came from because I swear on my life today was the only day I saw her!" Luke defended himself.

"Then what's this?" I sobbed as I held up a photo of Luke and Sara kissing. What the fuck is going on?

"That's edited! I swear!" He said, seriousness in his voice. I was still not sure whether to believe it or not. "Hannah, you don't think I would actually cheat on you?"

I shook my head as I knew if I opened my mouth to say something I would instantly start crying and wouldn't stop for hours.

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