3 - harry thinks you're cute

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hannah's pov

I honestly nearly threw up when I saw Luke was the one opening the door rather than Ash again. Why was he here? I looked like shit and he was right there in front of me when I had just passed out just because he had a lip piercing. Kill me now.

"Ash said you wanted me..?" Oh. That's why he was here.

"Tell him I'm going to kill him." I groaned and turned away from him.

It took him like 5 minutes to finally say something. "So you didn't want me?"

I sighed and turned back to face him. "Luke, you know I do." That lip piercing has really done something to me, I was so vulnerable because of it. I sat up on the bed and made space for Luke beside me. Carefully, he manouvered himself about an inch away from me. When neither of us said anything and both stared forward at the blank television, he placed his head on my shoulder. "What's wrong with us?" I wondered out loud causing Luke to chuckle quietly.

"Harry thinks you're cute." Well that was random but it sure as hell made my head spin again and I was pretty sure I almost fainted for the second time.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. Luke lifted his head off my shoulder and looked up at me. For a split second I was sure there was anger in his eyes but any sort of emotion went as quickly as it appeared.

"We should go downstairs." He said flatly. I nodded, wondering whether I was ready to face the fact that I was going to be with 9 boys for three days.

Most of that whole Friday was spent watching movies and pigging out which meant ordering 6 pizzas, a Chinese take away and Nandos. The funny thing was that most of it was eaten just by me, Niall, Michael and Ashton. I like my food, can you blame me? Louis kept laughing as he was so astonished at my appetite.

"It runs in the family." Michael mumbled with his mouth almost completely full.

"So does the lack of manners." Calum laughed. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

"Shud ub." Michael struggled to pronounce his words which sent everyone into fits of laughter.

After a couple of films the boys decided to play Just Dance. As they all had some alcohol in their system they were perfectly happy to make fools of themselves but I hadn't drank anything all day yet so I wasn't so keen.

"I think he likes you." Harry chuckled. Shoot I hadn't realised I was staring at Luke for about 5 minutes. Great first impression for Harry Styles.

"That's funny. Who told you?"

"Who told me what? That you like him? Michael." Harry grinned. Michael knows!? "Yes he knows." He answered my thoughts. "But I genuinely think Luke likes you. I've been told some stuff by Mike and Ash but I'm not going to tell you anything just yet." He grinned again, his amazing smile giving me butterfies.

"Then why bring it up you idiot!?" I cried, playfully punching his arm.

As the night progressed, I had fallen asleep with my head on Harry's lap and my legs on Zayn's so that was definitely not the best sleep I had experienced as my legs and my neck killed me. In addition to that, the morning was rather awkward.

"Um, Harry... What is that?"

"What's what?" He mumbled in his sleep. Suddenly his eyes shot open at the realisation. "Oh crap." He covered his bulge with his hands and ran upstairs to the bathroom before anyone else woke up and saw. Stifling my laughter so no one else would wake up, I made my way to my room so I could change into something more comfortable; sleeping in jeans was pretty horrible.

"Hannah!" Michael's voice boomed down the hallway. Ugh, can I not be left alone for just a minute?


"Is waffles for breakfast ok?"

I stuck my head out the door. "Duh!"

Before making my way to the kitchen I quickly phoned up my best friend, Ivy. We didn't really speak much, the phone call consisted more of screaming and gibberish than anything else. As you may guess, Ivy is a HUGE One Direction fan which means that I am now assigned to get their autographs, pictures, videos and numbers if possible. Her favourite is Niall so all those things should be pretty easy to get at least from him. When I told her about Harry thinking I'm 'cute' I was sure she peed herself... But then again so did I. Then when I mentioned what he said about Luke liking me I was almost positive she stopped breathing for a minute or so.

"I've been telling you that for 4 years so you have to believe it now if HARRY STYLES says so too." She screamed down the phone.

"That's crap considering he got told about my crush on Luke." I rolled my eyes although a part of me was starting to believe it.

"Shut your mouth please." Ivy said and I could picture her giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Anyway how's Rosie and Hazel?" They were twins who we were also really close with and they too shared our big obsession with bands although both of them preffered 5sos to One Direction. Rosie especially liked my brother, a lot.

"They're good but they're going to flip out that you're with One Direction and 5sos right now oh my god!"

"HANNAH!" Michael's voice bellowed.

"Oops gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow, bye, love you!" I hung up and ran downstairs.

"Your waffles got cold so I ate them." Niall said, blushing. I laughed and told him not to apologise; I lost my appetite from all the screaming down the phone anyway.

"Why were you screaming in your room? We were going to call the police!" Louis joked.

I shook my head at his stupidity. "I was on the phone to my best friend, we were having a bit of a moment because I'm staying with you guys and she is a HUGE One Direction fan. Oh yeah, speaking of which... I gotta get photos and videos of you guys for her." I informed them. "Her favourite's Niall."

His face brightened up instantly and I began telling him all about Ivy. After breakfast all of One Direction agreed to follow Ivy on Twitter and Niall secretly gave me his phone number for Ivy, also begging me not to tell the other guys and I had to swear on Ivy's behalf that she would not give out his number to any other fans.

Michael and Calum were set on doing some site-seeing in London while they could so they headed out straight away before anyone could even say otherwise. Liam was upstairs in his room browsing through Twitter, Zayn was outside smoking and having a beer with Louis so Luke went to join them to talk about their previous tour. This left me with Ashton and Harry as Niall left to play guitar in their study room.

"Ashton, would you kindly tell me what you told Harry last night about Luke? He seems to have the impression that Luke likes me." I crossed my arms in annoyance at his secrecy.

"There's nothing to say." Ashton shrugged.

"Honestly Hannah, don't worry about it." Harry said as he put his arm around me. Oh god that sent shivers down my spine. Just the thought of him touching me was overwhelming.

"It's just simple, Luke likes you." Ashton said just as Luke came back through the door.


next update will be on friday morning thank you so much if you've been reading this x

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