9 - she was out of my reach

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☯ harry's pov ☯

"I can't believe you!" I yelled at Luke, he had one chance and he fucked it up with Hannah already and even if it wasn't true, he still fucked up.

"Shut your mouth Harry, I never cheated on her." Luke growled at me. "You know I wouldn't."

"Whatever." I waved him away with my hand and made my way to Hannah's room. Although Luke shouted after me telling me to stop, it didn't have an effect on me. I was going to be there for her this time, like I promised.

I opened the door to her room slowly and my heart broke when I saw her crying on the bed. She moved up slightly to let me sit beside her and that was when I noticed the smeared mascara on her pillows. "It'll wash off." She said as if she had read my mind, smiling weakly.

"Are you ok?" I asked stupidly, knowing full well that the answer was no.

"I just... I just don't understand." She sniffled. "How could he already cheat on me? Was I really not good enough for him? I guess he did find someone better like I thought he would have."

I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

☯ hannah's pov ☯

He took my hand and squeezed it tightly - this just reminded me of how I did the same to Luke on the plane back to Australia but what good would it do dwelling on the past now? I could have Harry if I really wanted to at this point...

"Go on, Harry, tell me how you told me so and you were right all along and now you can date me because I doubt he even wants me anymore after I freaked out so much about this." I sighed, a couple of tears rolling down my cheeks.

Harry shook his head. "You're an idiot, Hannah. I'm not going to tell you that but I'm also not going to tell you that I wasn't right all long. Honestly though..." He took a pause, "I think you should stay with him, as hard as that is for me to admit, you two are still perfect for each other and I really don't think he actually cheated on you. Luke is definitely not that kind of person."

Was he right about it? I thought about this for a moment until I drifted off to sleep.

At 3am I woke up to find Harry's arms snuggled around me and a racket coming from the kitchen. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and decided to go check it out.

"I fucked everything up, don't you understand? I lost her because of our fans, I don't care anymore." Luke's voice boomed throughout the house. "Do you remember when we wrote Try Hard? It was about her to me. She was out of my reach, I was trying too hard and nothing was working, there is nothing else I can do now that I've lost her after all of that. I even ended up piercing my lip like the song said for god's sake!"

What the hell? I couldn't believe what Luke had just said, I was sure this was a dream, right? RIGHT?

"HANNAH!" Ashton exclaimed when he saw me peeking from behind the my bedroom door. Both of them looked like they had just seen the scariest ghost in the world, and I had never seen them like that since the time we went to some stupid abandoned hospital for a 'laugh'. My brother's idea obviously.

"Why the hell are we doing this? We could be at home right now, safe and sound, watching a scary movie of your choice and actually having fun." I said to Michael, who was obvlicious to anything around him.

"Stop being so scared of everything." Ashton rolled his eyes. I stuck my tongue out at him.

The curtains moved rapidly in the never ending wind, the doors squeaked like they hadn't been oiled in ten billion years, the windows creaked open on their own, our shadows looked like 10 foot monsters.

"Can we just go home? This is crap." I said, hoping in my mind that something would actually happen so they would be satisfied and scared to death.

"I'll look after you." Luke whispered into my ear from behind me. This was just the start of my crush on him developing and that action made it no better for me. I glanced at his, at the time, baby face - bare with no lip piercing - his hair messy, sticking to his forehead from the summer''s heat.

Not much happened for the following two hours - only a couple of bones and ripped pieces of clothing were found. The boys seemed to have had enough. It was bad enough that they had brought their friend, Layton from school, along with them; he was even more scared than I was.

We started to head out, down the hallways, through some creepy rooms, through a poo smelling kitchen, and down some more hallways. We got down to the last hallway and, to me, it looked a lot longer than it had when we were here earlier. No one else had noticed it, although I'm pretty sure Layton was starting to get the feel of something weird going on.

As we got halfway down the abnormally long hallway, a chill crept up my spine, like there was someone standing directly behind me but when I turned around it was only Luke and Ashton walking together, about two or three feet away from me.

I shook it off and followed the other three.

With no warning, all we heard and saw was all the windows shattering as they slammed shut. I glanced at the curtains and they were absolutely still. No wind could have shut all the windows if the curtains weren't moving. I gave Luke a look of panic and he returned it back.

"Michael..." Layton whimpered.

"What?" Mike whispered back.

Layton had no words but we all turned to where his trembling finger was pointing to. I had never run so fast, literally, never ever. We were out of that hospital and five miles away before any of us stopped. The muscles in my legs were burning from the sudden amount of exercise I was forced to do, the stitches in my sides were pulling me down onto the ground and my throat felt like a desert.

They were all sitting on the ground, trembling from fear (apart from Michael obviously), the looks on their faces were both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. 

"What are you doing here?" Luke spat. He had been drinking.

I sighed. "We should talk."

"What's there to talk about? You have Harry, I bet you already fucked him too!"

"LUKE!" Ashton yelled at him.

The tears were spilling, why was I so bad when it came to crying? "I'm done."



ok so i changed the main character to vanessa hudgens bc i thought she finally fit the role the best, i'm sorry if you don't like her (im not even  a big fan of her) but she fits x

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