Chapter Four

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I woke up lying in a large puddle of blood. I could feel my chakra in the air, and hissed at how irritatingly strong it was. I got up. The blood fell from my eyes like tears. I had a feeling that this blood was my tears. My kekkei genkai was currently activated, and I hated it. When I activated it my features changed. While I looked basically the same, my black hair turned red and my eyes changed. It irritated me, and I hated it. I couldn’t control my kekkei genkai and I always hurt someone while it was activated.

I could feel that it was dusk, or something close to it, and exited my room, not caring if anyone saw. Blood dripped from my black pants. It coated my ninja shoes. It stained my white shirt.  I stumbled toward the kitchen, feeling half-dead. I ignored the many strange stares I received and grabbed a large box of chocolate flavored cereal. Box in hand, I crawled into the clay seat Deidara made me and ate the cereal by the handful.

“Yoru-chan...?” Deidara said, sticking his head into the seat. I turned my gaze toward the floor and allowed my (now) red hair to fall into my eyes. I couldn’t face Deidara. Who knew what I’d done. “Yoru-chan, un.” Deidara sighed. He crawled into the seat and sat across from me.

“What do you want, Deidara?”  I asked, continuing to eat the cereal.

“Why is your hair red? And why is there blood all over you, un?” I hugged my cereal box.

“I don’t know. I woke up in blood.” I said quietly, before ‘I don’t know’ became all that I could answer with.

“Are you okay, un?”

“I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong, un?”

“I-I don’t know.” I whispered. “Please, stop asking me questions.” Deidara’s eyes dulled a little before he pushed my red hair to one side.

“Is this your kekkei genkai?” He asked, staring at my eyes.

“I’m told that it is.” I whispered. “I don’t remember that much about it, but every time I use it, I lose control and hurt somebody. That’s why I hate it.” Deidara laughed.

“Don’t get me wrong, your eyes are kinda freaky, but you look nice, un.” I smiled a little bit and hugged Deidara.

“Arigato, Deidara.” I said, tears stinging my eyes.

“Hey, un! You’re dripping blood all over me, un!” He said. I laughed and pulled away, wiping my eyes.

“Yoru?” Itachi said standing outside the chair’s wall-like structures. “Could I talk to you?”

“Yes, Itachi.” I murmured, crawling out of the seat. My hair succeeded in keeping my eyes from view. “What did you want?” I murmured. Itachi grabbed my wrist and led me outside. The air was a nice, cool temperature and the scent of flowers sweetened the air. I could see everything, the owls in the trees and the ants in the grass.

“Yoru, you said that you couldn’t control your kekkei genkai?” I nodded. “What is it, exactly?” I shrugged.

“I don’t know, Itachi. I’ve never seen it for myself. I’ve only activated it, and then everything goes blank.” I whispered. “I only seem to activate it by accident.” Itachi moved my hair out of my eyes and I watched as his Sharingan eyes widened. What was so shocking about my eyes? He let my hair fall and frowned just a bit.

“Don’t worry, Yoru.” He said. “I’ll train you, and I’m sure Leader-sama would be able to help if you asked.”

“If she asked me to what?” Pein said, stepping into the deep twilight. I shied away from Itachi and wished I was invisible. Pein scared me a bit. His booming voice, his eyes. The Rinnegan was both beautiful and horrible. It’s power scared me pant-less. Pein looked at me, his eyes narrowed.  “Yoru, why is your hair red?” I flinched.

“It happens when my kekkei genkai is activated.” I whispered. Pein stared at me in confusion.

“And what is your kekkei genkai?” He asked.

“I don’t know, Leader-sama.” I said, a bad taste in my mouth. “I-I’ve never seen it for myself.” Pein narrowed his eyes at me.

“Leader-sama, would you mind helping me train Yoru with her kekkei genkai?” Itachi asked, his eyes steady and his tone almost beyond respectful.

“Hn. Let me get a look at your eyes.” Pein moved my hair out of my face, revealing my watering, kekkei genkai-ridden eyes. Pein let out a strangled gasp and let my hair fall back down into my eyes. I fell to my knees.

“I’m sorry, Leader-sama! I’m sorry!” I said, my head bowed and tears streaming from my face. “Gomen’nasai! I didn’t mean to....” I whispered. Pein’s stare bored into my head, practically drilling into my soul.

I looked up at Pein, my eyes pleading. Pein was looking at me in shock. After a minute, he held out his hand, as if to help me up. After another minute, I hesitantly took it, and stood. “Come with me.” He said. I followed, a few steps behind Pein at all times. I glanced behind me, looking to Itachi for support.

He smiled and nodded his head in Pein’s direction. I returned his smile uncertainly and continued, more than a little fearful of what Pein would do. I walked silently, and constantly evaluated the situation I’d gotten myself into. What was this stupid kekkei genkai of mine that had surprised Pein? Would he get rid of me for having it?

Itachi was almost a guarantee of my safety, as was Deidara. I could count on them to back me up, but now that I was alone, I’d have to fight by myself if things went downhill. I sighed and tried to push these worried thoughts out of my head. How could I just assume that Pein would try to kill me? He wanted me in the Akatsuki for a reason, and I doubt he’d choose to terminate a valuable resource.

“Leader-sama, where are we going?” I said in my soft, barely audible voice. Pein glanced back at me, his eyes steely before they softened.

“My office.” He said.  I nodded, wondering why he was being so seemingly kind. I kept my eyes covered. If I died because of this family trait, I’d never forgive my ancestry. I nearly bumped into Pein before I quickly halted myself and entered his office behind him. “Come. Sit.” He said, gesturing to a chair. I hesitantly sat in the chair, wringing my hands nervously.

“Tell me, how did you come across you kekkei genkai?” Pein said, his ringed eyes staring into my eyes.

“I-I’m not sure.” I said quietly. “I don’t r-really remember. I just remember that one day I got angry, really, really angry at somebody, and then everything went blank. After that I remember that I looked at my little sister- her name was Akira. She smiled at me and said, ‘Congratulations, you got the family trait.’ A-After that I didn’t use it.” I murmured. Pein looked at me strangely.

“And why is that?” He said, his eyes narrowing.

“I was afraid of hurting people. I woke up, and I accidentally killed everybody around me. I didn’t want that to happen again. I didn’t want to hurt anyone anymore.” I whispered. Pein got up and studied my eyes again.

“To control your kekkei genkai, you must master it by using it. What you have is a powerful tool, trust me.” He said. “Tell me, Yoru Okami, what’s your actual name?” I frowned.

“My real one? I-I’m not sure anymore. They called me a night wolf, I never knew why, so I took that name.” Pein’s eyes narrowed again.

“You don’t know your own name?” He said. I closed my eyes.

“After the accident, I woke up in a hospital with bandages over my eyes. They told me not to use my kekkei genkai and called me ‘Yoru Okami’, Night Wolf. I was called that so many times that I forgot my own name. They erased it from my memory.” I whispered. “I got so used to be called Yoru that I must’ve forgotten it.” I opened my eyes again. Pein looked furious.

“Oh? Tell me ‘Yoru Okami’, where are you from?” He said, a snarl on his lips. I shrunk into the seat and curled up into a ball.

“I know that I wasn’t from Konoha. I was from elsewhere, and someone took me to Konohagakure and placed me with a family that rejected me. I grew up in the Leaf Village, but it wasn’t my home.” I murmured. “When I was little, I remember a lot of rain. Lots and lots of rain.” Pein’s eyes widened.

“Akira- she was your sister?” I nodded.

“Yes... at least I think so. She always called me ‘Yoru-onee-chan’, so I kind of assumed it. We had the same eyes.” I murmured. I frowned. “Why would she call me Yoru if it isn’t my name?” Pein eyed me critically before a slight smile reached his face.

“I can teach you to control your kekkei genkai, Yoru, but I’ll only do it on one condition.” He said. I nodded eagerly.

“You must have it activated at all times.” The smile that was struggling to reach my lips died.

“W-What?!”  I said, “I don’t want to hurt people! Wouldn’t it make more sense to have me train with it before having it activated twenty-four/seven?” I could feel my hopes crashing. Pein laughed.

“They’re all S-Rank criminals, they can take care of themselves. Besides, you see these?” Pein said, holding up what looked like a pair of rings. I nodded. “These are chakra receivers and disrupters. If you lose it, I can disrupt your chakra and stop you from doing anything.” I nodded once again, feeling hopeful. “They go in like a piercing, so this is going to hurt.”

One thing I’ve learned to trust: When someone says ‘this is going to hurt’ they mean it.

After a lot of swearing on both ends, the rings pierced my face. They went through just under my face to curl back and close in a circle, so I guess one could say I had snakebites now. I could feel Pein’s chakra through them. It didn’t affect mine at all, I just could feel it.

My pulse grew loud in my ears. “Thank you, Leader-sama.” I heard myself speak, before I walked out of his office and into the main room. I felt disembodied. Before I knew it, Hidan was picking a fight with Kisame and I was watching through slightly bloodthirsty eyes. Tobi got a hold of sugar and attached himself to me. I growled and pushed him away, sending him flying to a wall.

“Yoru-chaaaaaaaaan!” Tobi cried, “That was mean of you to do to Tobi!” I growled at him. Tobi sweatdropped before he threw a kunai at me. I grabbed it and threw it back.

“Leave me alone, Tobi. I don’t want to have anything to do with you.” I said.

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Hidan said, his eyes narrowed.
“Your mom.” I retorted. Hidan’s eye twitched before he came at me with his scythe. It swerved to one side, and I bent backward to avoid it’s blades before I threw kunai at Hidan. I caught him being inattentive since he was only focusing on attacking me. My kunai pinned him to the wall, going through his hands, two landing near his neck, and four pinning his pants. I slammed my hands onto the ground and made a since handsign. “Demonic Summoning: Night Wolf!” I said.

A large wolf appeared, as black as tar, and twice the size of Hidan. I stood between it’s forelegs before it basically swallowed me, allowing me to gain control of it. “Hidaaan.” I growled through the wolf. “Feel pain.” I -who had basically become the wolf- leaped forward, my teeth slashing toward his chest before I froze. My chakra level dropped suddenly and the wolf disappeared, leaving me sitting the ground, caught in something similar to chakra strings. Or so I thought. My mind flashed back.  “If you lose it, I can disrupt your chakra and stop you from doing anything.”

I gasped with realization and smirked. “You’re lucky, Hidan.” I said with a sigh. I got up hesitantly and stepped outside. Rain fell from the sky and I smiled as it soaked my clothes and hair. I sat on the ground, not caring if I got muddy or if anyone saw me. I held my head in my hands.

It had been only five minutes, and I’d almost tried to kill Hidan. Sure, he’s immortal, so I didn’t really care if he died, but it’s the principle. What kind of ninja was I if I couldn’t control myself. I laughed at myself. I was an ANBU level, but I hadn’t wanted to be a subordinate of Danzo, and had refrained from joining Root.

I closed my eyes. “Wind Style: Cyclone Sphere.” I muttered, forcing air to bubble around me. It kept me dry as I continued to think. How was I supposed to master this if I kept having these ‘attacks’. I snarled and the sphere vanished. I clapped my hands together and decided to spar with myself. I made a clone and we both jumped back.

 “Lightning Style: Fear of Flight.” My clone dissolved and I laughed as another took it’s place.

“Wind Style: Breath of Blood!” My clone coughed up blood. I sensed the Akatsuki watching me as I practiced. I practiced my taijutsu with my angry clones before I hovered in the air.

“Release: Death Sentence!” I fell the the ground, watching as my clones died and creating more. I wasn’t exhausted yet, but I was fueled by anger. I threw kunai and dodged my own jutsus. With a shriek, I allowed a kunai to pierce my chest before I laughed.

“Blood Style: Raging Heart!” I shouted. My clones clutched their chests as their hearts beat too fast until they stopped altogether. I laughed and glared at my last clone. I raised a hand to make a handsign before my clone grabbed it.

“Is this really you?” It asked, its eyes sad and unseeing. I snarled before I let go and bent backward.

 I did something, a jutsu I’d never done before.  “Release: Enraged God!” I screamed. My clone screamed in agony, its eyes wide, its body trembling. My clone dissolved into a shadow and then nothingness. I laughed with the power that I had before I felt my chakra drop again. Another clone emerged. “I thought you were dead.” I said flatly. It smirked before it charged for me. I made several handsigns before its fearful eyes.

“Release: Death’s Arms.”  I said. A large shadow appeared behind my clone. My clone struggled before the shadow engulfed it and it disappeared. I fell to my knees, blood dripping from my strained eyes.

I panted, and fell onto my face, my vision blurry. “Leader-sama, you said you could stop anything I do, but you didn’t stop me from doing any of that.” I whispered. Pein walked up and crouched before me.

“You were only hurting yourself.” He said. His eyes slanted a little bit. “What were those last two jutsus?” I panted, a smile on my face.

“I don’t know... I’ve never done them before.” I whispered. “I was so angry... my anger... it gives me strength.” Pein’s eyes softened before he picked me up.

“Why... do you keep helping me, Leader-sama? I’m nothing but trouble. I know that now. I’m trouble.” Pein laughed.

“You may be trouble, but your our trouble.” He said. I smiled. I was going to cause a lot of trouble.

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