Chapter Seventeen

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What is this noise? The sound of sorrow that echoes about my mind? Screams that escape from gasping lips and tears that leak out of puffy, swollen eyes? This pain... it surges through my body. It starts at my abdomen and radiates like the sun’s light. I can feel it... coming and going, going and coming. A thousand weights upon my tired heart. This feeling... is it life? Yes, it’s coming closer! Light! I see it!

Air flooded my lungs and I greedily sucked in the air as if I had been starved of it all my life. I thrashed my head from side to side at sudden noise, my hands clamped tightly over my ears as they rang painfully. A shriek of agony escaped my parted lips and my eyes burned with a thousand heavy tears. What was this feeling?

My body was out of my own control. It writhed and screamed as pain radiated throughout my body. “No!” My tongue and mouth kept screaming. “No! No, no, no! No!” My voice was heartbreaking to my own ears. What had happened? My abdomen flexed stiffly and I curled up into a ball, tremors shaking my numb, yet spitefully painful body. A sigh escaped my parted lips and my body was lifted by someone close to me. A warmth radiated through the skin on my back from someone behind me. Hands clamped over my moving mouth and I relaxed as best I could.

“It’s okay, Yami-chan, un. You’re safe, now. Nothing will hurt you anymore, un.” Deidara’s voice whispered into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

“Deidara?” I whispered hoarsely. “Dei-” I doubled over, my stomach screaming at me as I moved quickly. I let out a low groan of pain before I stood slowly and held the man I loved so much close to me. I inhaled his warm, earthy scent, sighing with content. My eyes closed with both content and fatigue before I forced them open and took a step back. “I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I couldn’t help you and I must’ve made you worry and it’s all my fau-”

“Stop worrying, Nayami.” Itachi interrupted. I spun quickly, wincing with pain before I grinned at him.

“Itachi!” I almost beamed at the man with so much stress. I swooned as I leaped for him, misjudging the distance and relying on both of them to keep me from completely face-planting. A smile broke out on my face as I was lifted by the two of them, grinning happily. “How is everything?”

Itachi merely raised an eyebrow before a duck-headed, silence-loving, night-eyed, sword-bearing purple, white, and black blur crashed into me. I let loose a string of strong curses as I was pinned to the wall before two arms enveloped me and the duck rested his head in the crook of my neck. “Don’t ever scare me that badly, ever, ever again.” He grumbled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he twirled me around a bit. I let out a soft groan of pain as my stomach stretched and covered it was a happy giggle.

Sasuke hesitated before putting me down. I expected to land on my feet, but he placed me on my bed again. My aching body welcomed its soft comfort and I flopped backward onto it. A happy groan of relaxation escaped my slightly parted lips. “I think things are looking up.” I stated sleepily. The roof was looking farther and farther away. I held in a growl of agitation. I was hungry.

Sleepy darkness, why do you touch me so? Filling my heart with such empty promises? Do you enjoy playing me? Surely that is your answer. The darkness of my heart is so much sweeter, so much more coaxing. Do you adore me as I used to adore you?

“Nayami, wake up...” Shush sleep-taker. Allow me this time to bind the darkness within myself. Don’t you love me, sleep-stealer?

Wait... this pain... so familiar yet so strange. My heart is aching and my core is a thousand flames. A thousand flames of black death. You’re only hurting me... No! No, stop! Stop hurting, darkness! Don’t you love me?

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