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I'm shooked and I want sushi so bad


It's later in the afternoon that same Monday,when Jimin arrived back to Hoseok's home.

Hoseok was lazily watching television when Jimin walked through the door.He was slowly walking towards the living room area with his head hung low,not noticing Hoseok on the couch.Hoseok had a feeling that something was wrong with Jimin.He wanted to prove to Jimin that he was a good person and wanted to care for him,so he called the little's name to get his attention

Jimin's head snapped up towards the couch.He made eye contact with Hoseok,and the look on Jimin's face had his heart shattering.Hoseok rushed towards Jimin and he gently grabbed his hand to lead him back to the couch.He sat down,still holding Jimin's hands,and Jimin was standing in between his legs.Jimin was looking down at his feet,pouting and on the verge of tears.

Hoseok frowned.He lifted Jimin's head up with his index finger and looked into the others eyes.Hoseok's expression turned into a mixture of concern,sadness and anger.He knew Jimin was with Yoongi,so he was the first person that came to his mind as to who would of made Jimin upset.

"Jiminnie,what's wrong?.."

Once that question left Hoseok's mouth,Tears began cascading down Jimin's cute puffy cheeks.Hoseok was quick to pull Jimin into a tight embrace which the little returned.Jimin let out whimpers of sadness and Hoseok held him closer,stroking his hair soothingly.Hoseok was determined to beat Yoongi's ass if he had hurt Jimin.He didn't fight back before,not only because Yoongi is his hyung but because he knew he deserved it.

Hoseok rubs soothing circles onto Jimin's back and whispers calming words in his ear.He let's Jimin completely settle on his lap,his head on his shoulder.Jimin's whimpers and cries settled into small hiccups and short gasps for air.Hoseok knew Jimin had calmed down when he started playing with the older's rings on his fingers.

He slightly pulled Jimin back and looked at him again.He cupped Jimin's cheeks making the younger blush and look down at his lap,finding the loose things of his ripped pants interesting.He pulled at the strings nervously until Hoseok pulled him out of his trance.

"Jiminnie,look at me please.."

Jimin lifted his head to meet eyes with Hoseok,who was rubbing soothing circles on his puffy red cheeks.He had an adorable pout set on his face and his eyes were big and shiny.Hoseok wanted nothing but to pepper his puffy face with kisses because he's just too adorable and precious for this cruel world.He held himself back and proceeded to figure out what upset jimin.

"Jimin,can you tell me what happened?why were you crying,cupcake?"

Jimin once again blushed but didn't break eye contact.The little began fumbling with his fingers.He took in a deep breathe before speaking up in a barely audible whisper.Hoseok still heard loud and clearly though.

"Jiminnie and Yoonie got in fight...Yoonie yell at Minnie "

Hoseok's blood boiled and his heart churned in sadness and anger.He was for sure going to beat Yoongi for this.He hates seeing anyone upset,especially his Jimin.He hasn't been fond of showing how he really feels towards Jimin but he does care for him a lot and he do anything to protect the precious bundle of fluff.

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