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Changed the cover (:


It was Monday night 11:27 pm.

Jimin had fallen asleep a couple hours ago while Hoseok couldn't blink an eye shut.He couldn't stop thinking about how his life could be with Jimin.He blushed madly,thinking about The boy waking up in his arms every morning.Jimin's words were echoing in his head.

'B-because Jiminnie s-say he wan' seokie to be his d-daddy too'

Hoseok loved the idea of being Jimin's caregiver.He wanted to cuddle and be able to pepper Jimin with kisses,bathe him,play with him,feed him,love him,everything.He wasn't really able to show how much he actually likes and wants to care for Jimin but he thinks he's finally getting the hang of it.

He looked down at the younger who was pouting cutely in his sleep and kissed his forehead softly.Jimin slightly smiled in his sleep,pout now gone.Hoseok chuckled lightly at Jimin's cuteness before brushing a couple of brown strands of hair away from Jimin's eyes.

The boy is beautiful beyond belief and Hoseok couldn't help but stare.He has beautiful chocolate colored eyes that make Hoseok melt and they make Jimin look so peaceful when their closed. Beautiful plump pink lips that he'd bite when he was nervous.His cheeks are so soft and squishy and Hoseok has to hold himself back from pinching them.His skin is smooth and milky,so soft to the touch.The younger's face is just so fluffy and baby-like that the older couldn't help but internally squeal a little.His body is also a hot topic,but that's just a bonus in Hoseok's opinion.

He placed his hand on Jimin's face,rubbing circles on his cheeks with his thumb.Jimin leaned into the touch and hugged Hoseok's waist tighter,pulling him closer.Hoseok sighed subtlety before carefully crawling away from Jimin's grasp.He stood up and looked at Jimin who was in the middle of the king size bed,his cheek squeezed against the mattress making his plump lips slightly part.

Hoseok chuckled softly before making his way to the restroom.It was a couple minutes before midnight and Hoseok still couldn't sleep. He looked at himself in the mirror and flinched at his reflection.He thought he looked awful,dead almost,but who's ever heard of Jung Hoseok looking bad?

He proceeded to splash some refreshing water onto his face.He dried his face by dabbing a towel on it.He was in the middle of using the toilet when a ear piercing shriek was heard.Hoseok jumped in surprise,rushing to wash his hands so he can check on who he suspects is Jimin that screamed.

Just as Hoseok was about to open the door,another high pitched scream was heard.Hoseok rushed out the bathroom and towards Jimin who was wailing loudly,with his arms extended towards the older.Hoseok took Jimin in his arms,stroking his hair in a comforting manner while rocking him from side to side.

"Shh baby,I'm here now..."

Hoseok waited until Jimin was calm,o not small hiccups escaping past his full lips.He proceeded to ask Jimin what happened to which the younger answered with it being a nightmare and not waking up with Hoseok beside him.Hoseok kept repeating soothing words in Jimin's ear,while holding his baby close and tightly.

Once Jimin was done explaining,Hoseok settled him into bed before crawling onto it himself.Jimin was quick to snuggle into Hoseok as if he was afraid the older would magically disappear.Hoseok chuckled at Jimin's cuteness,his laugh sending vibrations through Jimin's ears who had the side of his face flushed against the older's chest.

Jimin's heart fluttered at the sound.His head began to imagine scenarios were Hoseok would always laugh,like the day they first met,all being because of himself.His face was flushed a dark crimson at some of his imagination,and has was thankful that the room was completely dark,the stars seen out the window being the only source of light.

"Jimin,baby,you should go to sleep already.you have school tomorrow..."

As much as Jimin hated it, Hoseok was right.He did have school the next day ,it being only the beginning of the week.Jimin huffed but nodded against Hoseok's chest.Hoseok brushed some hair out of Jimin's eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Good night,jiminnie"

"Good night daddy..."

Jimin whispered back softly,barely audible. Hoseok heard it though...

Hoseok's smile had never been bigger.


I'm sorry this is shit, just a filler.It's so short but I'm just not feeling well.

I really want a gf thoe): ,Need me someone to be here for me and call me pet names cuz I'm a squish for that

But ty for reading,hope you enjoyed,ily you muffins!💕


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