2.8 (I'm back)

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Finally an update lmao,it's been almost a year? I'm so sorry for this,I've just been so stressed and still am but this'll be my coping method like it used to be,so hopefully I'll be here much more often(,: Anyway,I hope y'all enjoy this chapter,although most people probably forgot about this book. Once again I'm so sorry):

Last thing I promise lol, I suggest to read the previous chapter just for a recap and then continuing with this one.

Anyway here we go(,:


It was about thirty minutes after Seokjin had went to go 'punish' Jungkook.

Namjoon was sitting on the floor,Jimin between his legs as they,mostly jimin, were coloring on an enormous coloring pad Namjoon had bought for Jungkook which the younger never used. Jimin has market ink stains all over his hands as he and Namjoon for imprinting their finger prints onto the piece of paper.

Seokjin soon rushed in and whispered something into Namjoon's ear hastily before running back to their room. Namjoon chuckled as he watched his husband rush to their needy baby. Namjoon decided,for Jimin's sake, that it'd be best if they went to have some fun outside with the sand box and swing set while Jin took care of Jungkook's problem.


Namjoon was currently sitting in the sand box,(if you could call it sitting,poor man was so uncomfortable in the small area) while Jimin poured sand around him in an attempt to "bury joonie alive for being bad boy" or atleast those were Jimin's words.

Just as Jimin had took off running after pouring sand in Namjoon's shirt,Seokjin stepped out into the patio to usher the two back inside for a snack,on a pair a sweatpants around his torso. Once Jimin spotted him he squealed and ran to him to get away from the tickle mister that was Namjoon. As he approached Seokjin,Jimin abruptly stopped,staring at the eldest's abdomen. He lifted a chubby finger and dragged it across the elders stomach, mouth agape before he spoke,

"jinnie,I haves some like this too!"

Jimin rubbed at his clothed belly as he said so looking up at Seokjin with crescent eyes and pearly teeth.Jin chuckled at him before picking him up bridal style,jimin setting off into a fit of giggles as they headed to the kitchen to prepare snacks.Namjoon was currently pouted as he watched his husband and Jimin take off as he struggled to get the sand off his body.


After lots and lots of giggles and grapes being thrown around,the snacks were
finally ready.Just as Seokjin was about to set the things down at the coffee table on the living room,the door bell rang. Jimin gasped, knowing exactly who it was.


Jimin pouted as he watched Hoseok enter,the elder showing off that he'd been offended at the baby's reaction.

"Is my baby not happy to see me?"

"Yes, but baby wan food"

All the caregivers in the room chuckled as Jimin made grabby hands at Hoseok,the older glad to hold his little boy. Jimin stares at Namjoon before reaching for him to hold him instead. Hoseok was confused but let Jimin go to his uncle Joon anyway. Jimin looked up at Namjoon again before looking on the coffee table were the broken toy laid. Namjoon got the memo and began to inform Hoseok about the incident,Jimin hiding the whole way through to avoid what he thought would be a face of disappointment from his caregiver.

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