Chapter III : Of Worry and War

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"Worrying does not change the outcome, but it's truly so hard not to worry." - Unknown



I Miss You - DYATHON

Pale White Horse - The Oh Hellos

Minas Morgul - Shadow of War Soundtrack


Er-Murazor stood before the palantír once again, gauntleted hand upon the smooth surface of the orb.

He chanted again under his breath that spell to encourage to see what he wished to see.

That same white light shined from the murky depths of the palantír and he held the breath he did not have.

Soon the white color overtook the blue-grey darkness of the palantír and he was drawn into the vision of the one he wished to see.

"Behave Sverundr, we need to see how the new tack fits."

Er-Murazor smiled in the depths of his hood. There she was, Inconnu Naeril, and she was with the large stallion who held her in great friendship. She was fitting him with simple black leather barding, only decorated with silver discs. Sverundr occasionally danced to the side, away from her. The stallion was obviously unused to wearing the additions that barding had beyond the bridle and saddle.

"Stand still, you're acting like a child." Inconnu scolded him as she secured the cinch, then proceeded to double check the barding. Sverundr was still this time, only shifting on his hooves a little. After a few minutes, she stood back a little and looked it over from a short distance. Inconnu nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

"There, now that wasn't so bad was it?"

The large stallion snorted and stamped his hoof on the ground, and she raised an eyebrow slightly.

"You look great in it Sverundr, I promise. Besides, it's a much needed upgrade and we should be thankful that they had this one lying around and that it fits you quite nicely."

The stallion lowered his head a little, and in response Inconnu rubbed his forehead.

"You're fine big boy, now let's go on a ride and test how well this tack feels."

Inconnu put her foot in the stirrup and in a smooth motion mounted the saddle. She shifted in it, and after a nod took the reins and turned Sverundr around. He now saw where she was, and easily recognized the white stone of Minas Tirith. Er-Murazor sighed, but knew that there was nothing that he could do about it. She was meant to be there.

Inconnu had paused and now looked out over the distance, but not at where the darkening shadows of Mordor, but more south. From the visions perspective, he could barely see the tallest spires of Minas Morgul. Er-Murazor then felt a heavy feeling in his heart and knew that it came from her.

However, his heart also reciprocated and with this the vision ended.

He lifted his cold, gauntleted hand from the palantír and it darkened back into its dreary colors. Er-Murazor stood there silently, heart heavy and his mind filled with worry for her. He did not want this for her, but there was nothing he could do and it pained him.

There was a heavy knock on his door and he quickly covered the palantír with the long black cloth before hissing out in the black tongue of Mordor, "Enavas."

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