~Chapter 9 Oh, Damn. I Finally Remembered

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~Chapter 9~

Paige's P.O.V.

"Oh my god Alec I love you." I pulled myself as close I could get and hugged him. Everything came pouring in at once. I pulled away a little so I could look at him, but didn't let him go. His face was blank, shocked. "Alec, I remember you. I remember being here, I remember the first I love you. I remember you. I remembered you. I remembered you." I repeated as I felt warm tears fall down my face. He held me tight to him as if he'd let me go I'd never come back. I didn't mind it because I felt the same. "I love you."

"Paige," He said.


"I'm so happy to hear that." I looked up to see him with tears in his eyes and him smiling. "I love you too." He pulled me closer and I felt his breath on my lips. Just as he got closer the sky lit up with a hurrenous crack of thunder making my eyes shoot wide open. "Well I guess that's a good place to end our date tonight." He stood up and out out his hand for me. I grabbed it and before he pulled me up he brushed a kiss on it. 

Just as I stood up rain began to fall. We hurried to grab everything he had brought. When I went to pick up the picnic basket it looked fimilar. 

"Alec isn't this your mother's?"

"Yeah, hurry up your gonna get soaked!" I grabbed it and the rest of the stuff I could and ran towards his car. Still dark blue jeep he's always had. By the time I got there he had everything that he had in the Jeep and had the door opened for me. He took the stuff from my hand's. "Get in. Your soaked, you silly girl." He chuckled. I hoped in, soaking wet and cold, and he closed the door. He ran to the other side got in and reached back to grab the blanket under the back seat. I laughed mentally because the reason why those were there was because we got soaked last 4th of July. He unfolded it and warped me up so I was warm.

"Thanks" I said through chattering teeth. How can I be this cold when it's June? "Aren't you cold?"

"I'll be fine." he said starting the car. I rolled my eyes and got the other blanket out. And I tucked him in like he did to me.


"Now how am I suppose to drive?" He looked at me with a lopsided smile.

"Well we could stay here and cuddle?" I smiled my sweetest smile. Just then the car light up and another crack of thunder shook the whole car. "Okay you win."

We drove home to my house. We talked about everything I missed. Even though I knew what happened. Then I remebered something else.

"What's Candy been up too?"

"Hmm I don't know, but lately you were talking about how you don't like her and she frieghtens you."

"I think I know why." I said, feeling like I couldn't breath, but clenching my jaw.


"Who was the last one who you saw me with that night I was attcked?" I looked at him. I saw the realization in his face expression.


"Yeah well she's the one who did that."

"What? Really? Why?" He kept throwing questions at me.

"One at a time Alec and pull over." I said over whelmed.

"Then why?" He breathed out pulling the car over.

I looked at him. "Because she's obsessed with you, severely. So much she was willing to kill me. But, failed and only got my memory loss."

"That really doesn't make any sense and is just stupid." He said looking back at me. My jaw dropped.

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