Chapter 1

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Should I begin by introducing myself? Yeah probably.
Well hello, I'm Caroline Grace Fray! I'm 19 and two years ago. I would have started college at a community college nearby but a lot happened last year so I took time off to start over. And your probably think, what does she mean by start over? Right? What I mean is that I realized that even if I've been alive for 19 years that doesn't mean that I can't Have a rebirth. A rebirth means being born again. Although I can't physically be born again, mentally I can. So last year basically I've been trying to start my life over. I've spent those 12 months in my house avoiding all friends and family, expect my mentally insane dad and my very sane brother Jake. After my mom died three years ago my dad went insane and he can barely for more than 2 sentences. He quit work and Me and Jake barely made enough to live in our home, which is a wealthy Gated community that use to be perfect but at the time I would have rather lived in a garbage can. He ended up getting help and now he lives in a apartment in New York.

Our neighbors were are nosey as hell. And ever since my mom died they think we can't function properly, and well basically we can't but that's NONE of there business! They stopped by every week with food that the perfect mothers cook. Usually Lasangua or Mac and Cheese or anything baked. They talk about us and act like I don't know, then when they see us they give us these fake ass smiles and pity us.

But after mom died me and Jake didn't live there long because my Aunt Jenna, my moms sister, called and said she's flying us to her. She said my dad shouldn't have us because he's not healthy and he needs help. So we moved to North Carolina to her home near the beach and I'll finish my first year of online college courses there.

I would go to college like a normal person but four years ago I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Incase you live under a rock, Leukemia is a terminal illness of the blood or bone marrow characterized by abnormal blood cells. About 209,000 people have died of it, and unfortunately I'll be added to that list soon. My doctor said I have a 5 year survival rate but I think he's bull shitting me because my cousin had AML as well and they said the same thing and she died 4 months after she was diagnosed.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic it's just that I've been alive long enough to know that when someone gives you a time range on how long you could live, your most likely going to die. Unless you have some kind of godly miracle, than your screwed.

at least I am.

I watch girls around me happy, wearing pink shirts and ugg boots, with Starbucks, laughing with there 8 friends, and boyfriends. While I stay On my deck staring up at the stars wondering what afterlife or heaven, or whatever you want to call it is going to be like for me.

The only things I regret and the only things I'll ever regret, are the things I didn't do. In the end that's what we mourn. The paths we didn't take, the people we didn't touch. So my advice to you would be to live each moment as if it were your last. Because if I could go back to before I found out I have cancer, that's what I would have done every day before I met my love and after him.

So without further ado this is the story of how I met the love of my life.

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