Chapter Seven

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I got home and was soon ushered out of the door by my dad. "Dad, what's going on?" His eyes were red and puffy and his face was covered in red blotches.

"I'll explain on the way to the hospital" We got into his car and drove as quickly as we could, with Dad explaining to me what had happened. Khloe and her boyfriend Michael were on his motorbike headed to the cinema, and he lost control and they crashed. They were both rushed to hospital in critical conditions. Mum had already gone to the hospital and they thought it would be best for dad to wait for me and take me down there. I was crying heavily, what if my big sister didn't make it? Then what? I couldn't live without Khloe!  

We rushed in to see mum sat in the waiting area, her head in her hands, she looked up when we walked it. I ran up and hugged her. My sobs grew louder, as did my mum and dads. "Khloe Russett?" We turned towards the nurse. She approached us. "Khloe is going to need surgery" My breath caught in my throat. Then I saw Khloe being wheeled out. 

"KHLOE!" I screamed trying to run towards her, the tears falling heavy now. I caught glimpse of her, with cuts all over her face, her face was pale. I felt like I was going to be sick. Various doctors and nurses grabbed me and took me back to my parents kicking and screaming. 

"Go get some air, sweetie" My dad said rubbing my hair. I nodded and exited this building and stood on the wall outside. I was still crying heavily. Why has this happened? I needed someone. someone to talk to. I pulled out my phone and called Skip, my vision was blurry, but somehow I managed it. He was who I needed right now. He answered on the second ring.


"Daniel" I sniffed. "Khloe-she's-been-in-an-accident" I sobbed, finding it hard to catch my breath. 


"Her and Michael got in a motorcycle accident" My tears became uncontrollable. 

"Woah, Calm down, Louise. I'll be right there, where are you?" 

"I'm at the hospital" 

"I'm coming now, see you in 10 minutes!" He hung up. I slid down the wall and put my head in my hands and cried and cried and cried. I heard someone come and sit next to me, I looked up to see Skip wearing a worried expression. He said nothing, he just pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest, probably soaking his shirt through. Once I was all cried out, I looked up to see Skip looking red and blotchy. "Hey, she was like a sister to me too! I grew up with you two!" I laughed. I didn't realise how much this affected him too, like I said, we'd know each other since birth, and that means he'd known Khloe too. "Now, do you want to go and see if there is any news?" I nodded. We both stood up, he put his arm around me and we walked inside to the waiting room where my parents were. 

"Hi Daniel" My mum said hugging him. She was so loving when she was upset. 

"any news?" I said hopefully. they went to speak, when the nurse came back.

"Khloe Russett?" She said. We turned in her direction.

"Khloe will be coming out of surgery in a few minutes, it went well, and she should be awake in a few house, once the sedative has worn off, the same with Michael Jones?" We nodded. She walked away. I sighed and turned to hug Skip. She was going to be okay, thank god. I felt so happy, my sister was going to be okay, and so was Michael. His parents were on their way from Sydney, where he moved from 3 years ago. 

Skip and I sat down. "I know this probably isn't the best time to say this, but Jai was pretty upset about you basically rejecting him" I sighed. 

"I didn't mean to reject him, you know how bad I felt, I just didn't remember!" 

"Maybe you should go and talk to him" Skip said. "not now obviously, but later, when we're done here" 

"Wait, you're actually allowing me to go and speak to him? yesterday, you were angry because I kissed him!"  I laughed.

"Yeah, well, I hate seeing him upset, he's so innocent, okay, he'd never hurt a fly" 

"It sounds like you want me to be friends with him" I nudged him. 

"No, I just don't want one of my best friends to be upset, like today, I came to you when you were upset" 

"You're so caring" I said kissing him on the cheek. 

"You can go and see Khloe now" The nurse said. We all stood up and headed to her room. She lay there looking very weak, cut up and bruised. It made me feel sick. That onto of all the milk I drank earlier was not a good combo. Her eyelids fluttered open. 

"Hey" Her voice was hoarse. "Could you get me a drink?" I laughed, handing her a glass of water, she took a sip. "Thanks." 

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" my mum said stroking her hair, she flinched a little, so mum pulled away her hand.

"Better, I've just got a bit of a headache and I ache everywhere else" Typical Khloe, had a positive outlook on everything. Suddenly there was a rush of panic over her face. She sat up, but I could tell she regreted it, because of the pain she felt. "How's Michael?" Mum smiled, this put her more at ease.

"He's in the same condition as you, he's in the room next to you." She pointed at the window which had blinds pulled down. I walked over and pulled them up revealing Michael. It caught his attention, because he looked, I waved, he lifted his limp hand. I moved to reveal Khloe, both their faces lit up. It was so adorable. Khloe got up and walked to the glass, fogging it up with her breath, then writing "I <3 U" It made my heart basically melt. 

"Can I go into his room?" She asked the nurse who had silently walked in. The nurse nodded, and she proceeded to his room, they kissed and hugged, both clearly thankful that the other was still alive. 

"You two should go home" Dad addressed Skip and I. "You both look exhausted." I couldn't disagree, today has really worn me out. I looked at the time 6:30pm. Skip and I said our goodbyes to Khloe and Michael and walked home. Except we didn't walk the right way, we were somewhere which was vaguely familiar to me. Skip stopped outside a house.

"Go and speak to Jai, I will wait here for you" He pushed me.

Thanks Skip, I hadn't even thought about what I was going to say. 

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