Chapter Five.

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Skip and I sat around in the park for a little bit. We decided to sit by the lake, it was starting to get dark, but it wasn't cold.  "Skip, do you think I hurt Jai's feelings with the way I acted this morning?" He thought about it for a second. 

"Maybe a little bit, you couldn't even look at the guy" He turned to me.

"I feel bad, I didn't remember, and I was so confused, what if he hates me, you know I can't have people hating me!" I said resting my head on his shoulder. 

"He doesn't hate you! How about this" I looked up at him. "you come with us to do our daresunday's tomorrow, and I'll prove to you that he doesn't hate you" He smiled, I couldn't help but smile, he always knew how to make me feel better. "you could even take part" He winked. I laughed.

"Hmm, well it depends, what challenge are you doing?" 

"the 3 litre milk challenge, you could take Teddy's place, he can't do it today,  are you up for the challenge?" 

"I am up for the challenge" I mimicked. "do you wanna stay at mine tonight?" He agreed and we walked to mine, which wasn't that far away. We walked in and was greeted immediatly greeted by my mum and dad, who were in the kitchen. 

"Is it okay if Skip stays over tonight?" 

"Sure thing" my dad said. 

"are you hungry, I was just about to serve dinner" 

"I'm starving" Skip said I laughed.

"Me too!" 

"well, go and call your sister" 

"KHLOE! DINNER!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. 

"I could have done that!" My mum said to me, laughing. 

"Well, then why did you ask me to?" She rolled her eyes, but laughed. Khloe came downstairs. Khloe was three years older than me, however, we did look quite similar, we both had blonde hair and blue eyes, she was much taller than me though and she was curvy, whereas I was petite.  

"Hey Lou, Hey Skip" She said, once she came downstairs. "did you have a nice birthday?" 

"I did, thank you" Skip smiled. Skip grew up having the biggest crush on my sister, it was so funny, He never had a chance, he knew that, she knew that, I knew that, even my parents knew it! 

"Close your jaw, Skip" I tapped his jaw. "You're gawking" I laughed. He scoffed and hit my arm playfully. We ate dinner, watch tv for the rest of the night. My phone beeped from my pocket. It was a direct message notification from Twitter. It was from Jai, since when did we follow each other? I opened it. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come and film out daresunday thing tomorrow with us? I was confused, why was he asking me this? "Urm, Skip." 

"uh huh" He turned to me.

"Jai just asked me if I wanted to film daresundays with you guys tomorrow" I was really confused. 


"yeah, but I don't know what to say!" 

"Just say you're already coming and you'll see him tomorrow, no big deal" So that's what I did.

Hey, Skip already invited me, so I guess I'll see you there.

There wasn't a reply after that. Skip and I went to sleep at around 11. 


I woke up at 8am, and went into the guest bedroom where Skip was sleeping and jumped on his bed. "WAKE UPPP!" He groaned. 

"What time is it?" he said pulling the duvert over his head. 

"it is 8am" He groaned again. 

"come on, get up" I said laying down next to him. 

"fuck off" he grumbled. 

"aww, Daniel, are you a bit grumpy this morning?" he never was a morning person, whereas me, I woke up full of energy, and that energy lasted the whole day. "what time are we meeting your friends?" He knew I wasn't going away, so he pulled the covers back off his head.

"at nine" 

"exactly, so we need to be up!" He groaned again. "well, whatever, I'm going to shower, you better be up by the time I get back" I took a quick shower, but didn't wash my hair, because I didn't wash it everday. I got dressed and done my make-up. I just left my hair natural. I went into Skip's room. "You ready?" I said just walking in. He was just putting a grey tank top on, he had light grey shorts on and one of his black snapbacks..

"Yeah, I just need to put my shoes on" He said pulling on a pair of red fake vans. I was wearing a pair of denim shorts and Skip made me wear a Janoskians t-shirt. I laughed but obliged. Then we went to meet the others. I had a feeling this was going to be really awkward. 


"Hey guys, we're the Janoskians" Beau spoke.

"and I'm Louise, because Teddy couldn't make it" 

"and together, we're daresundays" everyone spoke.

"Daresundays" James said after. 

"by popular demand we're doing the three litre milk challenge" Skip said. 

"we're going to be doing it teams" Beau pointed at Luke and James. "Luke and James are going to be doing blue" He pointed at him and I "Me and Louise are going to be doing pink and..."

"Green" Jai held up his pot of food dye. 

"Time to fuck shit up" I said. We added our food dye. I ended up being teamed with Beau, because Teddy would have been with him, if he were there. It was fine, as long as I wasn't paired with Jai. We all began drinking her milk. "I have a feeling this is going to back me hate milk afterwards." I said after taking a big gulp of my milk. 

"I'm not gonna throw up, I drink milk everyday" Beau said spilling some of his milk. We all drank some more, Beau looked like he was gonna puke any second. And like clockwork he did. We all laughed, he wasn't even half way yet!

"I'm actually feeling pretty good" Skip said, holding up his bottle. He'd barely drank any of it. My stomach wa starting to feel really bad, I knew I was going to be sick soon, just at the thougth of that, I was sick. Nearly over Skip's shoes. "Watch out!" He said pushing me, causing my stomach to churn and more sick came out. 

"That was so gross" I said looking at my pink sick. Beau started jumping up and down. "Stop jumping, man!" I said trying to stop him. 

"Here it comes, here it comes" He said still jumping. Then Skip threw up. This alleyway was starting to smell repulsive and every so, a crowd was starting to form. Why would someone want to watch a group of people be sick? Skip started drinking more milk. We'd all drank loads of milk, and were basically finish, and sicked out. It was gross and definitely one of my worst decisions. Beau and I were the first team to finish. Then Skip and Jai, then Luke and James. "well, this is our finished product" Beau said showing the puddles of sick everywhere and then we finished the video. 

"That was the worst thing I've ever done in my life! I can't believe you told me to do that, knowing what would happen!" I playfully hit Skip on the arm. 

"You enjoyed it really!" He said hugging me and squeezing me. I pulled away quickly to be sick. I stepped back, but not far enough and was sick all over what I though was Skip's shoes, but they weren't red, they were white. I wiped my mouth and looked up to see Jai standing their looking at him shoes. 

"I am so sorry!" I said. How embarrassing and I felt so bad! First I kiss him and don't remember it, then I throw up over his shoes! 

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