brakeing out

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Romans POV:

I chuckled at the sight of Virgil blushing,"awwe, can Virgil not take a joke" I tease, smirking.

"Patton, this is my delightful friend Princey. Don't call him anything else apart from that, he hates being called anything else," Virgil sneer before smirking at me so I play along,

"Yes, my name is Princey. hello Patton, it's so nice to meet you." I shake Patton's hand before saying " well , we've got lots of work to do, cya Patton"

"Bye" Patton waves before walking away.

We continue to hand out posters until it was time for us to head back and get changed. Virgil looked at me, like he was up to something but I wasn't Shure what.
"Hey Princey, were did you put my cloths?" He asked , I pointed towards the cupboard of props , I had put our cloths under a pile of hats so no one would steel them, you'd be surprised how much that happens.

Once we were dressed and walking to out next class, Virgil pushed me up against some lockers.
"Wh-what are you doing?" I ask, my voice filled with fear.

"This," he smirked as he kiss me slowly,"revenge for earlier"

He walked off, he didn't seem to be phased by what he had just done while I was blushing harder then I ever have in my whole life.

Virgil's POV:

I tryed to keep calm and seem confident, I don't think it worked though he turned bright red. I walked off, regretting every second of what I had just done, even if I did like it.

"Wait!" I herd Roman shouts, running towards me,"do you want to skip your last two classes? We could just leave the school."

"Really? You know how to do that? And all this time I knew you I thought you were a good boy," I stated, still smirking.

"Ya, come with me. We could just sit in the park or something until everyone else gets let out of school." He recommended, clearly still flusterd.

"Sure," I smile as we start to head to the schools back gate. (not an innuendo)

When we got there I tryed the gate," it's locked"

"No shit ,Shirlock" Princey joked, " the only way out Is though here" he pointed towards a hole in the fence.
We crawled threw it, the whole lead to a forest. A small,dirt, pathway in front of us. Roman grabbed me by the wrist and lead me down the path.

"where are we going?" I asked, curiously.

"the park, until we can think of some place else to go." Roman smiled sweetly, it made my heart melt.
It was so cute and pure.

It only seemed like seconds before we got there, we had talked the whole way there.

"so, where do we go next, Princey?" I giggled

"do you want to go get some food? I'm starving."

"Ya, I'm hungry to"

While we were eating, Roman started talking about the drama club. Usually I'd zone out when people talk about stuff like this. But roman, his face lit up, almost as if it was the only thing that made him happy.

"so, are you thinking of joining any clubs?" he ask me.

"I don't know, maybe I could come round the drama club some time?"

"really? You'd do that?"

"ya, handing out those posters wasn't that bad, I actually had fun."

He smiled wide, Romans eyes were beautiful when he smiled, you can imagine how amazing they looked in this moment.

(sorry for horrible grammar)

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