3 years later

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So this is the last chapter. I've already started to destroy this story with the whole 'Logan got raped' part of the story. I don't want to have to stress about this story anymore and not having any good ideas so here you go.

Logan's POV

Ryan was put behind bars thanks to the help of my amazing, soon to be, husband. Yep, I know what you're wondering and yes, it was Patton who proposed. He's still as lovely as always and I'm sure he'll always be.

We managed to find evidence against him somehow. We where beginning to give up hope but then Patton pointed out that the texts Ryan sent me should convince them and it did. I didn't know that alone would be enough but it was.

Patton's POV

After all this time, Logan and I are getting married. It's so exciting. We moved in together about a year ago and I know you might think we're moving to fast but we're 21, we're at a stable point in our lives and we know it's a good time to move forward. I even did that whole thing where you ask the farther if you can marry them but since I've never met his dad I asked his mum instead and she was so supportive of it. She even offered to pay for it however I think she's doing enough for us by being there. My parents aren't going to be there. They have better things to do. I don't need them as long as I have Logan, Virgil and Roman.

Roman's POV

Virgil and I ended up going to the same Collage and being room mates. You could probably geuss what we do when we're not doing school work ...

Watching movies and play Mario cart together ya sick freaks. And even after three years we're still going strong and not taking it as fast as Logan and Patton, though I did propose to him with a candy ring when we where drunk at a party. I love him so much.

Virgil's POV

So, I'm room mates with Princey and life's going great; I get to be best man and Patton's wedding, I don't have to worry about Patton's parents hearing noises that come from something they shouldn't. It's not like they're home that much anyways. Patton's dad always took his wife with him on business trips.

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