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Logan's POV;

As I walked home alone, I couldn't help but feel guilty.
Guilty for reacting the way I did.
Guilty for hurting him.

I opened the front door to my house. Everything felt so cold, this house no longer feels like home.

I once was a greeted with smiles and love opening the front door.
Now, all I felt was cold. My parents once loved eachother.
My dad now stuck in the bottom of a bottle and my mum now never in the house enough to ask if I'm ok.

I lay on my bed, took of my glasses and rubbed my face. My bag laying next to me.

I never will understand why my mum won't just leave him.
Leave him to sit in the bottom of a bottle for the rest of his life. She's forced to work two jobs so he doesn't drink us into dept and the only interaction they have is yelling.

Yelling about how he's a lousy drunk.

Yelling about how he never wanted a kid, but she talked him into it.

Just yelling, all the time.

I felt my breath slow down as I drifted off to sleep and away from this nightmare.


I was awakened by the sound of my alarm clock.
Of corce, the dreams don't last long and reality sets in.

I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.
As soon as I was done I got dressed and ran out the door as fast as I could, backpack slung over my shoulder.

The school gates were crowded.
I alone left to cease the day, I was determined that nothing going to get in my way.

"Logan!", I hear a joyful chirp from Patton,"Hey, in a hurry?"

"no, I just wanted to get to the library. Why are you here this early?"

"no reason, Why are you here this early?"

"to avoid crowds, but I guess that's out the window now," I say, walking at a brisk pase, Parton at my side.

When we finally got to the library I sat down, Patton looking at me in a strange way.

"Are you going to sit down?" I ask.

"Ok," he chimed, prancing towords me and sitting on my lap,"better?"

He giggled.He was shorter than me,not by much.

I felt my face go red and looked down, people now starting to stair.

"P-patton? What are you doing."

"sitting, like you asked."

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