Fighting Back

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Logan's POV

(sorry if this is to short)

Ryan's still in school however he can't be near me until the trial. They say there isn't enough evedence to convict him yet dispite a trial being put on order. It's my word against his. Of course I had to tell my mom what had happened...

She didn't take it well; she broke down crying, called my stepdad and told him everything. He immediately took his sons side, engnoring facts and he has called me just to threaten me. I've recorded a couple of calls though, just in case, and I know he never really liked me but I never thought he'd threaten me.  Long story short, she ended up devorcing him after listing in on a couple of phone calls and him spaming her with texts about how she's a ignorant bitch and a trator and a sly price of shit. What did she ever see in him?

My mom has never been by my side more before now. Even during my coming out she didn't support me nearly as much as she has now. Actually, when I came out to her, she wasn't that accepting but we've gotten closer and I feel that I trust her enough to tell her about and possibly introduce her to Patton.

I have to admit, I'm nervous. What if she somehow finds a reason to dislike him?
I can't see any reason she wouldn't like him; he's the most caring, effectionate, considerate person I've ever met.

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