the heart messes with your head

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Patton's POV

Class was almost over, I hadn't been paying attention to anything the teacher was saying. I didn't even know what lesson it was. All I could think about was him.
I stared at a boy sitting at the front of the class. He had glasses, just like me, and he wore a back shirt and a neck tie. He looked back at me every one in a while and I'd look away, this happens in almost every class I had him in.

When it came to lunch time , I tryed to talk to him. I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind ," hey! We have the same pair of glasses" I smiled, trying to seem friendly.

"Well, thank you for stating the obvious."

"Hi, I'm Patton."

" I'm logan."

"Do you have anyone to sit with?"

"No, I have no friends."

"I don't ether, Do you want to come sit with me?"

"If you really want me to."

When we had gotten our food we sat on a small table near the back of the room. Logan did his homework, it was an English paper.

"Wow, your writing is really neat," I chimed, giggling.

Logan blushed, how can he blush so easily? Has he never been complemented before?
I decide to tease him a bit," and your so smart," I giggled as he went a darker shade of red.
"You seem so confident, but I'm not surprised. Your beautiful."

Soon his whole face was red, he covered it with his hands and said, in a monotone voice," thank you, Patton. That was very sweet."

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