Chapter nine: soulmate

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Revali looks at the hero. Sadness in his eyes.
~I'm about to die~
The thought runs through his head. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt. He has accepted it making death all the less painful.
His eyes close. Darkness envelops him. His chest does not rise or fall as it once did.

Simple yet effective.
Revali feels himself be pushed to the side and poked. He hears sweet music.
~well at least I'm not in hell~ he thinks.

He opens his eyes. He is lying in field. The grass is soft and greener than a hylian herb. A light whimsical voice fills his ears.
"He's here. Why is he here this is not where normal people go this is our place."
The younger sounding voice was silenced by a more mature one. One that seemed more sure of its words.
"Majora remember that if we meet a soulmate then they are taken here to to await us or for us to receive them."

Who an earth is majora thinks the rito.
A strong hand grabs the champion by his wing and pulls him up.
The voices seem to have come from the two people that surround him. One is small and looks about ten. The other is about the same height as revali. The smaller has a salty expression on his face and a mask in his hand. He older taller one has a severe yet calm expression and kind eyes. Both have blonde hair blue eyes and look very similar yet different. The smallers face is rounded as to be expected of a child but the other has sharp defined features.

They both look like link. Very slightly but a representation is there.
"W-where am I?"
Revali stutters.
"Well your dead dumbass." The child replies in a sarcastic voice.
"Shut up majora. You are in heaven. Well not heaven but an afterlife for reincarnations of the heros and loved ones. My name is twilight this is majora. In our lives we were both the hero before yours. There are many others."
The older one, twilight announces.
"Twilight that seems familiar.
Oh my goddess. That's where the twill were banished what do you know!" Revali shouts at twilight.
"Shhh we all know of your troubles we can see everything that happens to our hero and we know how to help. Follow us"

Revali is lead to a forest. Tall trees surround him. Enveloping the two hero's and the champion. Magic can be felt and heard in the forest. They come to a clearing where several young men and a few children all rest wearing green with the exception of four identical ones. Along with the young men are several young women or animals. Twilight is joined by a tall leggy attractive woman. She has red hair that frames her beautiful features and black and blue skin with marking like link.
"Hello" she says in a joyful voice
"You must be revali Shame wild killed you I'm midna twilights girlfriend."
The hero and his girlfriend share a loving look.
"More like soulmate then girlfriend"
Twilight replies. They smile
"Anyways I'm a twili much like your boyfriend."
Revali looks at midna in disbelief.
"And yes before you ask I know how to help wild."
A smile overtakes the sky champion. Finally. A way to help link.
"Why do you call him wild?"
Revali questions.
"Aha i am not the one to tell you that. Explore and talk to the heroes come back to me when you want to leave. Your not actually dead just in a comatose state." She smiles. An odd expression for something so depressing. Revali nods and leaves. Happy for the first time in a while. Relief washes over him. Link will be his again.

~boopity boop Revali is now with the collection of links~

A teenage hero runs past Revali laughing and chasing another teenager this one bears resemblance to Zelda.
"GAH SKY STOP ILL GET MY DRESS MUDDY!" The girl yells back. The hero supposedly called sky laughs rolls his eyes and catches up to the princess. A red bird sits on his shoulder. Not a parrot a beautiful one that resembles a blue bird just a crimson red. He tackles her to the ground kisses her on the cheek
"Got you Zelly" he laughs. She goes bright red.
"My name is Zelda"she says in an antagonising voice.
"Ok Zelda" the adorable teen sighs.
They notice Revali.
"Oh hey, your the soulmate of wild aren't you?" Zelda asks. This one doesn't look like his Zelda she is softer looking and seems less hardened and guarded then the one he has come to know. Sky is again softer and younger than link. Fifteen maybe and laughs a lot more and is more forward than his.
"Please will someone tell me why you call him wild?!"Revali groans.
"Oh talk to time over there with the redhead"
Revali thanks the two and walks off towards the one called time.

He is sat with a rather pretty young woman with hair the colour of blood. She has a light dusting of freckles on her nose and is wearing a lovely cotton dress. The hero called time probably is one that least looks like link. They have different hair and time is taller and more muscled.
" ah Revali a pleasure to meet you. So you want some answers huh?" Time states.
Revali nods
"Well first of all why do you call link wild?"
He asks.
"Good question. The heros here are all called link. However we all have a different title I am the hero of time. Sky is the hero of the sky and excreta. Yours is called the hero of the wild. We refer to each other as our hero title so life is not confusing but in the case that we share a title we use another distinguishing feature as for the four swords instead of being called four they are all named by colour, so red vi green and blue."
Revali thanks time.
"Also why do you all keep calling me link-wilds soulmate?"
He wonders out loud.
"Well that is simple. You are that's why you are here. Zelda is sky's soulmate Malon is mine and midna is twilights. Most of us have a soulmate but if you don't then you get a companion like an animal or a friend to accompany you in our afterlife. So if your were really dead you would be here to comfort wild. And when you really die you both will be here together.
Anyways enough questions you need to get back to midna." Time waves revali goodbye.

The answer to his problems. The thing he wants and needs most of all is Within his reach. Now all he needs to do is achieve it.

No art today as I can't be assed and I'm on my iPod which can't take photos ATM. So boop. I hope you enjoy and I have ideas thanks to
Thank you I needed those. And if you get bored go read her story it's Sidlink and is so awesome. So bai for now see you in a few days. Xx
Also please do comment what you want to see next or just comments on how you think the story is. I don't mind complaints just I like getting criticism as it helps this story be what you guys want. I love getting comments it brightens my day so please do comment. Anyways bai again xx

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