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Gilly Willy💝

Uh??? Wrong person???

Gilly Willy💝


Gilly Willy💝
I meant you dreamgorl

Uh okay? Thanks ig?

Gilly Willy💝
Lollllll hows my princess

Are you okay

Gilly Willy💝
Im as right as raun babe

Are you okay?

Gilly Willy💝
Im amzaing

You never put typos...literally never

Gilly Willy💝

Call me

Incoming call from: Gilly Willy💝

"Baby...Hiiiiiii!" Lucas yelled, a giggle escaping from his throat.

"Zumann, you good?" Paige questioned worriedly. Lucas's behavior was strange and new, and his voice sounded slurred and shaky.

"What did the sheet say when it fell off of the matress? Oh sheet!" Lucas whispered, bursting out into laughter at the end.

The blonde couldn't help but to chuckle and shake her head. "That's not how the joke goes, hon. You're supposed to say, what did the blanket say when it fell off the bed...oh sheet."

Lucas's laugh traveled through the phones speaker and Paige found it impossible not to join in laughing with him.

"That's even funnier!" He slurred, stuttering a bit at the end.

Realization hit the teenage girl like a truck, and her stomach soon began to twist and turn. "Lucas, what the hell...are you drunk?" She questioned in disbelief. Lucas only giggled instead of responding.

"Jesus, Lucas."

Paige quickly opened the Instagram app, sending a quick DM to Amybeth about the situation. The redhead replied almost immediately, saying she would arrive to Lucas's hotel room in a half an hour.

"I'm hanging up." Paige announced curtly.

No response.


"Sorry, I was petting my dog."

"You don't have a dog."

"Yeah, well...I was stroking something."

"What does that even mean...oh for craps sake Lucas! What the hell is wrong with you!"

"It was a joke Paige, chill. I'm not jackin--"

"Okay bye, Lucas."

"Don't hang up please." The actor whispered, his voice quiet, almost unrecognizable.

"Lucas you're being so weird and this drunk shit isn't working for m--"

"I love you." He interrupted suddenly, cutting off what Paige had been saying.

"Yeah, okay, don't distract me, as I was sayin--"

"No Paige, I mean I really, really love you. You're so cool and pretty, and you put up with me and my quirky personality, even though you don't have to. You're literally my dream girl, the girl in my dreams, from my dreams, and of my dreams."

"Whatever, you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying."

"I'm not drunk anymore." Lucas protested.

"I don't believe you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're slurring right now."

"Did you ever think, for a second, that maybe I just wanted to call you Baby? Maybe I'm tired from all of this constant filming I have to endure. I haven't slept longer than 5 consecutive hours in 3 weeks. So of course I'm slurring. But the one time I finally get my strength up to tell you how I feel you think I'm drunk? Great."

"I think you need to--"

"6 fucking months Paige. 6 months it took me to figure out how to tell you."

"To tell me what!" Paige yelled into the phone, clearly becoming frustrated.

"That I'm in love with you! So what if I had to get a little drunk to do it!" Lucas exclaimed, pain and defeat seeping through his voice.

"So are you drunk or not?"

"Okay yeah, I'm a little drunk--"

"You just said you weren't!"

Profanities flew out of Lucas's mouth like money out of an ATM. He ran his hands through his hair, tugging at the roots in anger.

"Paige, I love you. That's it. Yeah, I'm drunk, and yeah I'm underage. Maybe I should've told you normally, maybe I should have told you sober. But I'm not normal. We're not normal. I don't know how you feel about me, but I just had to tell you, or I swear I would've exploded. I'm sorry I bothered you. Goodnight."

Lucas quickly ended the call before Paige could speak. He felt tears forming in the corner of his eyes, but he quickly brushed them away, burying his face in his pillow and drifting off to sleep.

500 miles away lay Paige in her bed, buried under a mountain of blankets. She had texted Amybeth not to worry, and to go to bed, in which the actress happily agreed. And though Paige tried to sleep, thoughts of the 16 year old boy that had gotten drunk simply to tell one girl he loved her couldn't leave her mind.

Princess//Lucas Jade Zumann {permanently unfinished}Where stories live. Discover now