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A loud bang on the door awoke Lucas and Paige out of their peaceful after - sex slumber. Paige stood up with a slight limp in her step, and Lucas only smirked with pride of what he had done.

After a few moments Paige had reached the door, and her eyes widened as soon as it was open.

"Paige! Or should I say hoe? Is your second boy toy here?" Finn asked walking into the house and looking around.

"Finn get out" she whispered, hoping Lucas would never even know he came.

"Who is it?" Lucas mumbled as he sleepily stumbled down the stairs.

"There he is!"


"Lets sit down, have a chat, let me tell you both a story." Finn commented menacingly.

"We're fine." Paige said stoutly. She knew she was about to be exposed, and her heart was beating out of her chest.

"Of course you're fine Paige, you already know this story!"

Lucas cocked his head to one side, confusion written all over his face. "What's going on...?"

"I'll tell you exactly whats going on-"

"Finn please don't" Paige pleaded. "I love Lucas okay and I'm sorry I messed up but I cant lose him..."

"Babe what are you saying?" Lucas asked her, his head practically spinning.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP." Finn yelled, causing them both to jump as silence fell over the room. "Okay. Lucas, our sweet little Paige here apparently likes playing games. She's been simutaneously leading us BOTH on, and now claims she loves you when she just loved me yesterday! Life's crazy, and bitches are bonkers. If I were you I'd get out of here, I bet you theres more than just us, she probably has a whole line of guys who's hearts shes just waiting to break into two."

At this point hot tears slid down both Lucas and Paiges face.

"I don't...I don't have more I promise, I didn't mean for this to happen...." She tried to stand up for herself, her voice trailing off.

Finn simply walked out, he had done what he needed to and he had no more business in being there.

"Really?" Lucas asked, his voice more soft than cold. He tended to hide his emotions unless he was alone, and in this situation that's exactly what he was doing.

"Luc...I'm so sorry baby I-"

"You what? You just wanted to take my virginity and leave? You wanted the perks, the money, the fame? What was the point?"

"There was no point I just-"

"There was no point? Us? THIS was no point?" Tears slid all over his face, his cheeks and his eyes red from crying and heartbreak.

"That's not what I meant..."

"I thought you were my dreamgirl Paige. But right now you seem ALOT like a nightmare." He said turning to go upstairs.


"You know what, I hope this is another fucking dream." He began pinching himself "All I want is to wake up..."

"Lucas please-" she tried to reach out and touch him but he quickly pulled away and went upstairs.


"Please don't leave..." Paige sniffed as she watched Lucas walk towards the door, his bags packed.

There was no response but only a small package thrown in her direction.

"Happy fucking birthday Paige."

And with that he was gone.

With her shirt soaked with tears, and her heart raw with pain, Paige shakily unwrapped the present. There was a box, with a ring and a small note attached with tiny handwriting that could only be from Lucas. It read:

'And with this ring I promise to love you forever, even in my dreams...happy birthday'

Princess//Lucas Jade Zumann {permanently unfinished}Where stories live. Discover now