14 Fate

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I really need to know what Philip is up to. I don't trust anyone in the family anymore. All betrayed me. And no one deserve the kind of gratitude I had for giving me a home and shelter just to use me as a porn in the longer run.

"They said they want to take Talia back" she said calmly. She is just too beautiful for me to keep looking at. So I stared right out of the window.


"For now, I can block it. I had the investigation team to speed up the process given Talia's unwillingness and lack of cooperation. I understand it. I have connections but none of my connections are as powerful nor able to do what De bourbon family can do"

That is true.


"The head of the hospital almost fired me but I got back after threatening to expose them to the media. They will find a way to get rid of me. I am a volunteer and it is much easy to get rid of me than a paid employee. Once they do it, they can manipulate any vulnerable patient. It's just a matter of time" she said sadly.

My head start to ache again. Damn it.

"What can I do?"

"There is nothing you nor I can do at this moment until the investigation is over. I have asked the team for a DNA sample. But the general vibes I get is not so positive. I might have a week maximum before I have to stop going to work" she said as a matter of fact.

"I am sorry" I really am. She is going through all this for helping me.

"Oh don't be. I am quite settle on my own. I have enough money and any time I return to private practice I can make what I make in one month in this hospital probably in less than a day" she said smiling.

"We are there" she said stopping at one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

"Are you sure?" I asked her as I have been here and I know the prices.

"I am. Come on"

I don't have the money to pay which she already knows. And I didn't feel like being a charity case.

"Sarah, I have been here before and I know the prices of this place. I cant afford to pay for myself let alone for you" I told her quite uncomfortably.

"I'll pay" she said trying to get out of the car. I held her hand preventing from getting down from the vehicle.

"Are you crazy? Embarrassing enough I had to borrow money from you, then make you drive me and now you want to pay for me?" I asked her quite annoyed.

She looked at me and the hand I was holding. I immediately dropped her hand.

"okay" and she drove the car.

"This is a place I don't come often but it is halal and Mexican" and within another 10 minutes we reached the restaurant. It's a cozy little place.

Once we were seated, I kept looking at her hand. It's so damn beautiful and I felt like holding it. The inability hold her hand made me a little restless. The place we sat was quite and remote.

We spoke for a while until dinner is served. By then my mood has settled. And the fact that I am unable to do anything to help Talia is really weighing heavily on me. Sarah seems to be upset about it too.

"Talia's pregnancy is a big issue. I was from the beginning insisting on a proper medical examination as I have a feeling she is unable to go through it. The gynecologist doesn't think so. And since my knowledge is limited, I cant help much"

"Things are getting complicated. Aren't they? For your sake I truly believe you should stay out of this mess. They are after me, and will get me at some point with our without your to aid me. I know how that family operates"

And then I saw someone storming right at us behind Sarah.

"There is an angry woman behind you. Do you know her?" I asked. Sarah turned to look, and she froze.

"Mother" she said.

"So, this is why you have been saying no to Farhan. You are having an affair with a kafir and you are betraying us. Damn it" the woman was shouting at Sarah.

"Mum, calm down. That is not the way to talk to this gentleman here. I will talk to you when I get back home. Now don't make a scene" Sarah told her mother.

"Oh this is that criminal. Isn't he?" her mother unleashed her venom at me.

"Mum, enough. Don't ever talk to him like that. I am telling you for the last time, please leave. I will talk to you when I get back home" I was surprise the anger in Sarah's voice and touched by how she is defending me.

"He will kill you like he killed people before you" her mother shouted and the entire restaurant is looking at us now. I kept quite not because I can't help but it's a family affair. The moment I interfere, it will become more ugly.

"I am going to marry him" Sarah announced, it took me sometime to figure out what she was up to.

"Oh really? He will not marry you, he will leave you with a bastard like himself" her mother shouted.

"One more word mum, and I am not responsible for what I will do" she said threatening.

"Sarah, leave it" I told her softly.

"No Steve, she cant just walk to us and keep insulting you. No one can insult you especially my family while I am there" she said defensively.

I can see her mother was fuming.

"Bastard" she told me.

"Mum, I said no" and her mother slapped Sarah right in front of everyone and that's when I lost my temper. Sarah probably would have felt it and held my hand.

"One last time, before I make a scene, I am telling you to go or leave room for us to go" she said and I can feel the controlled anger in her voice, and I am also a little distracted as she is holding my hand.

Her mother cursed me a little more and then took a foot probably to strike me but what happened next was something I will never forget in my entire life. Sarah stepped between her mother and myself. Then turned to me. She is little shorter than me. She took my face in her hand, and right when everyone looking, kissed me on my lips. And I swear, even if a lightning strike me, I wouldn't have know.

I didn't know when her screaming mother left us, I didn't know how long we stood there, but finally after what felt like 10 seconds, Sarah broke the kiss. I can see the finger print of her mother in her beautiful cheeks. She took my hand and dragged me saying " Enough drama for one day"

She paid the bill and we walked out.

"What was that for?" I asked her standing between her and her car, blocking her entrance.

"I am not in a mood to talk. okay?" she said more embarrassed than angry.

"Well, you were certainly in a mood to kiss not so long ago" I took my chances and teased her.

"Get away from my car. I will drop you home. I have to get back home before my mum gets a heart attack" she told me trying to pass me.

I held her then by shoulder, and pin her to the car.

"You are playing a dangerous game Doctor. You don't understand what you are getting in to. But once you are in, trust me, even if I wish, I wont be able to help you move out. I am a man who is doomed to killed. One way or the other, that family will make sure I will do. I am only colossal damage for them. If you get yourself tangled with me, they will bring you down along with me" I told her exactly what the fate awaiting.

"I said I drop you home. Get in to the car" and that's all she said until I came to Martha's house.

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