26 Fateful day

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I was feeling numb. My shirt is drenched with the love of my life. I sat there not feeling anything, which is kind of strange. I heard Sarah's mother crying and screaming, I saw people moving but neither I could move nor think.

"She will be okay bro" the man who came to rescue Sarah spoke to me. I remember he said he is a doctor but I couldn't form any words.

"I am a doctor. She lost a lot of blood but I am positive she will be okay" he said patting on my shoulder. And then I broke down, and started sobbing like a baby.

I don't care who is watching, I don't care what they put in tabloids but all I care is Sarah. I know this would happen. I know she will be in danger, yet for selfish reasons beyond myself, I let this happen. I brought this down on her. I am responsible for this.

And I heard the police come.

"Listen, my name is Ahmed. Speak to the police who are here to find out about the shooting. I will check with the doctors. I am sure she will be okay. It will take sometime for the procedures but don't worry"

And suddenly I felt the anger, the fear and the uncertainty wrapping over me. I felt like breaking something. But not now. Everything has a time and place. And right now, I have to do right by Sarah. I spoke to the cops. I gave them all the details. I informed them of the fire, my family who had intention to harm her and every damn thing I could.

It took about 5 hours for the doctors in the ICU to come out. Ahmed stayed all the while with me. I never had friends, but I am starting to appreciate Ahmed's presence. When the doctors came, they informed Sarah's condition is still critical. No matter how hard I tried to go in, I couldn't. I asked Ahmed to help me just see Sarah for a little while but he couldn't help me either as he doesn't work here.

Sarah's mother has come to terms with the fact that I am not going anywhere. I didn't give a damn about what she thought because right now all I am feeling is fear for Sarah's life, resentment for myself and the urge to kill the ones who did this to Sarah.

Finally Ahmed spoke to someone and manage to get me few minutes alone with Sarah.

Her headscarf was taken off. She has glorious black hair. Since the shot was to her back, I couldn't see her bandages but the oxygen mask and everything is making me nauseated.

I reached her, took her hand and kissed it. Then reached my pocket and took the ring I bought for her. I was suppose to propose her today. I already made wedding plans but I want to give her the memory of a proposal. But instead, I landed her in the hospital. I placed the ring in her finger, kiss her one last time. She will understand. When she does, she will forgive me for leaving her.


When I was waking up, I thought surely I was in hell as the pain was unbearable. I heard voices, some I know and some I don't know. But my head is hurting.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw doctors surrounded. Then I saw my mother. Again I fell asleep and I was thinking of Steve.

I don't know when I woke up the next time. But this time my head isn't hurting so much but I was still in pain. I felt stiff in my body as well. And slowly the memories started to come back.

"Sarah, are you okay?" that was my mother.

"Yes" I wanted to say more but I couldn't. I felt very sleepy again. They are drugging me to sleep. I wanted to fight it but I couldn't. Then darkness.

May be after days or hours or weeks, when I got up again, things seems better. I couldn't still move but I am getting clarity of thought. After my mother called the doctors and after many more examinations, I started looking for Steve.

It is very unlikely he would leave my side.

"Steve?" I asked my mother, who looked away quickly. Oh no. There is something wrong. I started to panic.

"Sarah, please don't move. Calm down. We'll have to put you to sleep if you move so much which will cause more internal bleeding" the doctor told me warningly.

"Where is Steve" I asked my mother one more time.

"He is outside" she said and I knew she was lying. And from the corner of my eyes I saw the doctor trying inject something.

"Please don't sedate me" I told him. I need to know where Steve is. But my please went unheard. And again I slept, weeping inside. Where is Steve? Where did he go?

The next time I gained conscious, I remembered things. I had to be calm or they would drug me for days. My mother was right beside me.

"Sarah, please don't move. Steve will come" she told me taking my hand. She looks tired.

"What happened to me mom?" I asked her.

"Someone shot you. But that's okay. They found the person" I don't care if they found the person or not.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

"About 10 days"

"Can you call Steve? I want to talk to him" I pleaded her. Surprisingly I saw tears in her eyes.

"Rest well darling. He will come when the time is right" and she stroke my head.

"Where did he go?" I asked her for which she didn't reply.

"Mom, please tell me" I pleaded her while I tears streamed down on my face. Why am I crying?

"Sarah, rest well and get well soon. Doctors have informed me that if you don't rest or move so much like you do now, you have to be put back on sedatives" and I stopped dead at that threat.

I need to stay awake if I want to know what is going on.

I was in hospital for 2 more weeks. And this is when I learned exactly what happened.

I was shot by a gunman hired by Mrs.Luisa de Bourbon. She was arrested shortly afterwards. Surprise it may be, within couple of days of her arrest, Sophia's father acquired the entire group of companies. It's a hostile take over. And the end of de Bourbon legacy.

According to mom, Steve was here when they took me to the hospital. He was there until all procedure over. she had seen him cry. She said he looked devastated as well. Then his friend manage to get him a few minutes with me, and then he left. Never came back.

And he left a ring in my finger.

As soon as I came in, I called every number I could think of in order to reach him. His office said, he no longer work there. His mobile is switched off. His house staff told me someone bought the house, and it no longer belongs to Steve. Out of desperation, I called Sophia and Laila as well.

Both of them told me the exact same thing in different languages. While Laila said Steve was responsible for the loss of their lives and she wouldn't care where and what Steve is up to, Sophia said even if she knew where he is, she wouldn't tell me because I took him away from her.

So he left me.

Why? I don't know.

Will he come? I don't know.

But it doesn't matter how long it takes for him to come or not, I will wait for him.

I waited for him, I waited for him and I am still waiting after 7 years of that fateful day.

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