Chpt. 1

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Short an: this is why I don't pause shows T-T             Also key:
(Y/n)= your name
(B/F/N)= best friends

That all for the time being I will add more if need

            (Nya POV)
   We just got back from fighting Acronix and Cole was taking us to see someone who might know about him and maybe his weaknesses. Right now we're walking to where they're supposed to be. Cole's walking next to Jay.(bruiseshiping! Srry)Kai and Lloyd behind them and me and Zane behind them. It was an awkward silence between us all but Cole broke it by telling us we were there. We stood in front of a tall gym??? "So the person we're looking for is in there?" I questioned. "Yeah, she is."Cole responded "So the 'they' that we need is a she, and she is in there" Lloyd asked while pointing at the gym. "Yes" Cole responded with a bored look. "Let's get moving then" I suddenly said not only scaring the others but also scaring myself. Zane nodded ,Jay and Lloyd were still pretty startled from my outburst while Cole and Kai agreed with me. We walked in and saw...............

(Would this be considered a cliffhanger??)
Well whatever love you all
216 words

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