Chpt. 3

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"vOIcE cRaCK"
(Y/n) = you're name
      (Nya POV)
  After Cole called out for this '(y/n)' girl a young guy/gal/non binary pal (it's your best friend btw) ran up to us.
"Oh, hi I'm Sam are you looking for (y/n)?" They asked us quickly. Cole nodded and they said that they were (y/n)'s best friend.
"(Y/n) will be right back she just now went to the bathroom so she should be back any moment" they said and as if on cue a girl our age walks over to us wearing a navy blue tank top, black yoga pants that went halfway down her calfs, gauze around her ankles, and a streak of (f/c) (favorite color) in her hair she noticed Cole and screeched "COLE" and tackle hugged him "I MISSED YOU COLE"

(Y/n) POV) (I know finally but author Chan sucks)
  I haven't seen Cole since we were in middle school!!!!! (just pretend they actually went to school)
  "Can't breath" Cole wheezed
  "Oh, yeah! Sorry Cole!" I got up and helped Cole get up too,I notice that he had other people with him.
   "Oh, Hi there!" I said very enthusiastically (big words I know) They looked kind of startled
"Oh, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself to you" I said. "I'm (y/n)"
  Cole walked up beside me and points to the one in blue "That's Jay" he points to the green one "Lloyd, the nindroid is Zane, the red guy is Kai, and that's Kai's sister Nya"
  "Ok, got it. Now you came to see me for a reason so what do ya need?" I question
"Well we need information about Acronix..." 'Oh him'
  " O-oh ok... well what info do ya need?" Nya I think her name was spoke up
  "We need to know his weaknesses and his strengths."
"Why???" I ask.
  "We had an encounter with him..." Kai said    
   "WAIT WHAT?!?!" I screamed in pure rage "WHERE??"
  "At the monastery" Cole stated calmly
"Ok, ok, ok, why did you go to the monastery in the first place?" I question.
"We felt a temporal disturbance and before that Sensei Wu said that there was 'a battle he needed to finish' so we went back to the monastery to see if Wu was there and he was and so was Acronix." Lloyd explains.
   "So what happened wile you were there?" I asked them.
  "I ALMOST DIED!!!" Jay screeched
  "MY MAGNIFICENT HAIR WAS MESSED UP!!!!" Kai yelled we all looked at him with weirded out looks "what??? My hair is always magnificent except for after he ruined it!!!"  
  "Okay then"

My fingers are tired now also there are 458
words jeez


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