Chpt. 6

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You probably know this by now

Nya's POV

   We continued to walk for a little wile. It was quite peaceful actually. Jay was asleep on Cole's back and Zane had taken Sam from     (Y/n) to give her a brake. Kai, Lloyd, and I were keeping watch for potential attackers
(Y/n) noticed this and spoke "Nothing's going to attack you." We calmed down a bit but we didn't let our guards down.
—Time skip brought to you by Lloyd in a dinosaur onesie—

(Still Nya's POV)
Finally we got to (Y/n)'s house. Well, it was more of a tree house. But, it was amazing, fairy lights hung around the outside walls along with other shapes cut from wood. (Y/n) climbed up the ladder into her (tree)house she then helped everyone else up.
      She then yelled "KIDS I'M HOME!!" We all look at her with a confused look."You all can sit on the couches if you want." She spoke. That's when 4 other people ran into the room.    "MoThEr ToKen!!"(btw they are like 16 and you're not their actual mom. You are the mom figure)
     One screeched, he had short, baby blue hair and blue eyes. He also was wearing a black hoodie with kaki pants.
     Another one almost took (Y/n) to the ground. This one had red hair with purple highlights,this one was also wearing a hoodie but it was a navy blue and basketball shorts.
     There was another kid(16 year old) that had short brown hair with a black MCR t-shirt and black jeans,this one had hazel eyes.
    The fourth was.....well I actually wouldn't call him a kid! He was taller than all of us, with (really) short curly black hair,brown eyes, I think, he was wearing an Ironman(*sobs uncontrollably*)(almost corrected to ironstrange)T-shirt and plain blue jeans. He was staring at us with a confused look on his face."Who are they?" He asked (Y/n). She smiled and said "Ninjago's most faithful ninja!" "Cool, but what are their names?"
     Jay stood up,he had woken up awhile ago, and said " I'm Jay! Ninjago's most lovable ninja!!"(s4??anyone) "You wish! We all know I'm the most lovable,and handsome, ninja in all of ninjago!" Kai piped up. "I thought I was the most lovable." Zane spoke softly.
     That's when the other three kids spoke up the one with blue hair said "None of you boys are worthy!" That's when Cole and Lloyd said 'wait what'. Red hair girl then said " We all know the most lovable ninja is Nya!" Brown hair kid also agreed. "WHAT!?!" I heard echo

Whooo! my fingers! I SAW ENDGAME AND I'M BAWLING MY EYES OUT!!! 462 words

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