Chpt. 5

232 3 4

"vOIcE cRaCK"
(Y/n) = you're name
(Y/n) POV
    I saw it... a hand "SaM!" I screeched as I started to pull them out of the rubble. "NO! nO! NoNoNo please Sam." The ninja helped me dig out my friend. They (they as in Sam) were cut and bruised and a long slash went across their face. I heard a loud bellowing roar. I stood up and yelled     "WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!" I picked up Sam and stared at the others "LET'S GO!" "We can't just leave the other people here! ARE YOU CRAZY!!" Jay screeched. "They aren't here for them they will only have minor injuries at the most." I told the ninja. "Okay that is very good to here but please inform us. WHO OR WHAT IS ATTACKING US?!?" Cole questioned "I told you that I would explain later." I spoke. "Now. LETS GET OUT!"

~>time skip brought to you by almost dying<~
(This next part is going to be all whispering)

Kai: When did we get into a field?
(Y/n): Kai, shut up.
Kai: *glares at (Y/n)*
(Y/n): *glares back*
Cole:*sigh* hey cut it out I don't want you two bickering.
(Y/n): I hope you're not complaining.
Cole: Why?
(Y/n): Are you carrying an actual human being on your back???
Cole: No.
(Y/n): I didn't think so.
Cole: *picks up Jay and puts on back*
Jay: *strange squeak* DUDE!?!?
Cole: Now I have a human being on my back.
(Y/n): Cole your gay is showing
Cole: DUDE
(Y/n): SHHH

HOLY CRAP! My hands hurt 😢 283 words


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