Chpt. 2

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         (Nya POV)
   We walked in and saw someone who was really short they looked about 4'6 they had hair covering their eyes, a yellow jacket with one of the sleeves torn off, a metal arm, and what looked like bubbles coming off of their head.

^^^^++++===••===++++^^^^         (Nya POV)   We walked in and saw someone who was really short they looked about 4'6 they had hair covering their eyes, a yellow jacket with one of the sleeves torn off, a metal arm, and what looked like bubbles com...

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(Hah you thought it was going to be the reader didn't you... I did to at first but I changed my mind also art is mine, also don't mind the random names of fandoms this character is based off of)

    She was working away at a desk so we walked up to her and Cole asked her were his friend was I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation. Soon enough they finished and Cole motions for us to follow we start walking up a flight of stairs. Once we get to like the fourth or fifth floor we stopped. Cole called out a name "(Y/N)"

I'm done w/ this chapter welp here's Chara

I'm done w/ this chapter welp here's Chara

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Also here's the cover

Also here's the cover

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When water meets time (Nya x reader)Where stories live. Discover now