Chpt. 4

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"vOIcE cRaCK"
(Y/n) = you're name
(B/f/n) = best friends name
(Y/n) POV
   Wile Cole was explaining to me what happened in the monastery I noticed that the girl,Nya,was watching me very intensely as if I was going to attack. I started to observe her she was about five foot three ,her eyes were beautiful, a hypnotic blue that was as blue as water. Our eyes met and we both looked away with a slight blush.
   Cole,finally,finished saying that sansei Wu was rapidly aging.
  "Ok so after you fought Acronix he just disappeared and now sansei Wu is gettin' really old really fast?" I questioned them
   "pretty much." Jay replied.
  Suddenly the building shook under our feet.   
  "WHAT WAS THAT?!?" Jay squealed
  "What's going on?" Cole asked
  "I think we have to leave!!" I yelled as the building shook. Then part of the building collapsed. It went silent..."(Y/N)" someone called for me I thought about who it could be for a moment then realized it was Sam!"SAM!!!" I screamed out into the destruction "(Y/n) HELP!!!" Sam called out again. I started digging for them "SaM sAm sAM" I heard a muffled whimper "(y/n)" They whispered. I was bawling by now and my hands were covered in cuts and dirt. Right next to me I felt something sit down and start digging with me. I glanced over and saw Nya I blushed a bit but then I saw it...a hand.


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