XVI. Wily Castle IV

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" Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! I still got a few tricks up my sleeves! Then again if you want to see Dr. Cossack, the here he is! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Oh no. When the door in front of me opened all I saw was Dr. Cossack sitting in a giant claw machine, banging on the window bubble he was trapped in. "You've gone too far, Wily."

"So what? To get to me you have to attack Dr. Cossack."

I aimed for the cable and said, "I'll just shoot the cable and Dr. Cossack will be free."

"Mwa ha ha ha! That won't work, brat! That cable is made of the same stuff as Hard Man! It won't snap with a few measly power pellets!"

Um... I think there is a small gaps in parts of the cable. Maybe if I get some dust in there from the Dust Crusher it'll put too much weight and strain on the cable. It'll probably snap off too!

I quickly changed to my Dust Crusher power and slid under the device as it tried to grab me in it's claws. I then shot the cable and it immediately broke off. Wily lied about it being made of ceramic titanium! "Grr. Wily you liar! There's no way ceratanium would snap so easily!"

"It's a cable, and I had limited resources to work with. Oh well, it's too late now. Mwa ha ha ha!"

Wily then turned off his loud speaker and I looked at Dr. Cossack who was crying. "Dr. Cossack? What's wrong?"

"Now that you destroyed this device, Wily's going to kill Kalinka."

Suddenly I heard Blues's whistle and he teleported in with Kalinka. "Papa!"

"Kalinka? Kalinka! Oh how I missed you!"

They embraced each other in a hug. I smiled. "Thanks Blues."

"It's Proto Man now. I've already contacted the authorities and told them of Wily's survival. There on there way now."

"I don't think they'll be able to get him. Something tells me that there's more up Wily's  then we thought."

"What Break Man! You've betrayed me? Grrrr! You'll pay for your insolence! You and Mega Man both!"

Both Proto Man and I looked around. What was Wily planning on doing to us? I could feel the ground underneath us open and I pushed Blues out of the way so he wouldn't be caught with me. I hit the ground and saw Proto Man staring down at me.

"Teleport Kalinka and Dr. Cossack to safety! I'll deal with Wily!"

He nodded and ran towards the Cossacks. I charged my Mega Buster and prepared for my next fight.

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