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"Even Rye?"

"Even Rye."

"Just ignore him, Em. You know, he's not doing too well either."

"Well, it's not my fault."
"Shut up."

He put his hands up in surrender and I sat down on his bed.

I twirled the pen in my hand. Harvey started typing on his phone.

He glanced up from his phone and asked, "Yeah?"
"Do you think Rye will find someone else?"
"I know this isn't what you want to hear, but maybe. It's the same for you too though."
I nodded.

"Anyways, can we please not have alcohol at the party?"
He looked at me strangely before nodding.

"Okay..I'll get soda pop instead."
I nodded.

"Wait," I grabbed the notebook. "How many cases of soda?"
"Umm...get five cases and we'll get some in that big bottle."
I nodded, and wrote down what he said.

"Also, we need decorations. Can you decorate my house?"
He smiled and said, "Thanks, Em. You're the best!"

He ran over to me and jumped onto me.

"Harvey, get off!" I yelled, laughing.
"Hmm, I'm good."

I rolled my eyes.

"Harvs, how long will you be on tour?"
"A few months then I'll be back."

"Do you think the boys will become famous one day?"
"Yeah...I do."

"Do you think they'll forget about me?"

"Even Rye?"
"He'll remember you especially."

"What if-"
"He'll always love you. You were his first real love."

I stayed silent and Harvey stood up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?"
I nodded.
It's been an hour since Harvey left.

"Rye, where are you going?"
"I'm going out for a bit, Princess."

"When will you be home?"
"I'll be back in a few minutes."

I nodded and he gave me a peck before leaving.

"Emma! I'm back!" I heard someone yell from downstairs.

I ran down and saw Harvey and the Loren Gray.

Sure, she's younger than both of us, but I absolutely think she's perfect.

"Hi!" she said smiling.
"H-hi!" I stuttered.

I glanced at Harvey to see him smiling.

"I'm Loren." she said, holding her hand out.
"Emma." I shook her hand.

"Okay, so you guys go upstairs and talk about your girly things, I'll be down here." Harvey said laughing.

We laughed at him before going up into his room.
"Yeah, so that's how I met Harvey." Loren smiled.
"Awee, cute. I ship you two."

"Aw, I wish it would happen, but he's too old for me."
"By a few years. It's fine."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Em! Lor! Come down here!" Harvey yelled.
"Someone's coming in a bit for dinner. Don't freak out when you see this person, okay?"
We nodded.

He turned around and started walking to the kitchen.

I turned towards Loren and we began talking.

The front door behind me opened and a familiar voice said, "Harvs, why did-"

Harvey must've told Loren about how I'm feeling because she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom.

My breathing became heavy again.

"Emma, calm down. Breathe slowly. Deep breaths in. Deep breaths out. There you go." Loren said gently, trying to comfort me.

My breathing became steady.

"When we go out there, walk with confidence. You got this girl."
I smiled at her and nodded.

When we walked out, Rye was in the kitchen with Harvey.

I sat down on the couch, Loren sitting next to me.

Rye and Harvey came out and sat across from us.

Rye kept his head down low, and avoided eye contact.

"Um, Emma, I called Rye-"
"What? Why!" I snapped.

I saw Rye look at me with a hurt expression, but I brushed it off.

"Because you two need to make up."

"You're going to at least talk to him. It'll help both of you."
Loren nodded from beside me and I sighed.

Harvey stood up and Loren patted my back before following him out of the room.

I looked at the ground.

"H-hey." I heard him whisper.

I looked up and we made eye contact.

His eyes were dull and bloodshot. His cheeks were still tear-stained. His hair was messier than normal. He looked hopeless.

But underneath all the blemishes, I saw the Rye I loved.

"Why are you wearing all that makeup?" he whispered.

I didn't respond.

"Princess, I'm so sorry." he said a bit more clearly.
"I'm not your princess." I whispered.

"I need you. I need to hold you in my arms. I need to wake up beside you. I need to hear your laugh. I need to hear your voice. I need you, Emma."

I wanted to tell him I needed him too. I love him.

"Please, I'll prove to you I'm loyal. I'm an idiot that messes up everything. Everyone I need right now left. Harvey's the only one who's here right now. The boys...they left to go back to London to have shows, but I stayed. Emma, I stayed for you."

"Rye...You mean everything to me...but I can't get back with you. I need time."

He nodded.

"I love you, Emma."
I love you too, Rye.

I shook my head and pushed past him and ran outside.

I called a taxi and went back to Olivia's house.

I can't stay. I need to leave. This town holds too many memories.

"Smile, princess!" Rye said laughing as he held Chris' camera.

"Rye, don't break it!" Chris called from afar.

I laughed and smiled wide.

Rye looked at the pictures and smiled.

"Perfect." he said.

"Rye, get the boys and we can have a group photo." Chris said.

He nodded and ran around the park looking for the boys.

"He really loves you, Emma." Chris smiled.
"I really love him too."
Song: Breathe by Lauv

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