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A few months had passed since I last talked to Rye.

I've moved on.

"Emma, are you busy tonight?" Olivia asked me.
"No, why?"

"You and I are going to a party tonight." she smirked.
"I'm good."

"C'mon. Live a little bud."
"I don't know."

"There'll be a lot of cute boys there!"
"But I'm not looking for a boy."

"Fine, but can you please come and enjoy yourself?"

"Great! I bought you this really cute black dress that I think will look amazing on you! I'll be right back." she said, running out of my room.

I laughed.

I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror. I wasn't completely satisfied with myself, but shrugged and brushed my hair.

"Okay, okay, " she said running back with a black dress. "Here! Try it on!"

I took the dress and went to the bathroom to put it on.

The dress hugged my body perfectly and the bottom flared out a bit. Wrapped around the waist part was lace.

I walked out of the bathroom and Olivia's mouth opened.


I laughed at her.

"You. Look. Stunning."
"Awe, thanks Liv."
"No, like I'm serious. You look absolutely beautiful."

I blushed and looked through my closest, pulling out a pair of black flats.

"Hold on. I have a pair of shoes that'll go with your dress perfectly."

I nodded and she ran to her room.

"Perfect!" Liv exclaimed once she saw the completed outfit.

I smiled.

"Okay, so the party starts in..." she grabbed my phone at the desk and looked at the time. "a half an hour!"

She quickly stood up and said, "I'll be back! I nee to get ready!"

"Do you need help?" I called after her.
"No, I'm good!" she yelled back.

I sat down on the chair and scrolled through Twitter.

@/RoadTripTV: Roadies! We're going on tour again! Get your tickets here==>

@/Michaelclifford lol

@/RoadTripTV <3 (insert a picture of Rye kissing a girl's cheek)

I stopped at this tweet and stared at the picture.

Rye moved on. He loves someone else now.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, trying to not let any tears fall. I can't ruin my makeup or else Olivia will kill me.

I closed the app and walked into Liv's room.

"Are you ready yet?"
"Almost. I'm almost done with my makeup."

"You look so pretty!" I said.
"Awe, thanks boo."

"Come sit over here."
I sat down beside her.

"What are you thinking about?"

"You're sad. Who hurt you?"
"No one. I'm okay."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you." she said, putting on her red lipstick.
I shrugged and she stood up.

"We'll talk about this later, okay? I want you to forget all your worries and have fun tonight."
I nodded.
She drove us to a house not too far away from ours.

We got out of the car and linked arms.

"Are you ready?" she asked.
I nodded as we were walking into the house, the smell of alcohol evident in the air.

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