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When I woke up, Rye wasn't beside me.

I quickly got out of bed and did my normal routine.
I walked into the kitchen to see Olivia hugging Rye. He looked uncomfortable, as he was only trying to make pancakes.

I took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Good morning, princess!" Rye yelled, trying to escape Olivia's embrace.
"Morning, babe." I said.

Olivia finally let go of Rye and left the kitchen.

I glared after her.

Rye spun me around and hugged me.

"I like your hugs more." he whispered.
I smiled.

"Here, I made some pancakes!" he said happily.
"Thanks, babe." I pecked him on the lips before sitting down and eating.
"You're so adorable." I gushed.
"Awe, thanks, princess."

We were walking in the neighborhood.

I held his hand.
"Ryeee." I complained.
"What's wrong, princess?"

"Can we cuddle?"
"Not right now. I need to take a shower, okay, babe?"
I nodded.

I've been clingy all day. That's because of Olivia.

For the past few months, she's been telling me how horrible he is. I guess she was trying to convince me that I was over him. Now she's trying to steal him from me.

I stood up and went to talk to her.

"Hey, Olivia?"

She was sitting in the living room, typing away at her phone.

"Can we talk?"
"Sure. Come sit."

I sat down across from her.

"What's up?" she asked.
"Well, um, uh, I-I wanted  to a-ask you if y-you like R-Rye."
She stared at me for.

"It's complicated, Emma."

My eyes widened.

"S-so you do l-like him."
"More like love, but whatever  you want to say."

My eyes started tearing up.

"You like him. Yeah, I'm aware. But, Emma, he's mine."

"Stop what?"

"D-don't t-take him from m-me."
"If I want him, I'll take him." she said harshly.

I ran back into my room.

Rye was still in the shower.

I can't deal with Olivia anymore. Every time I like someone, she ends up dating them. I need to find an apartment I can afford and rent.

I pulled out my laptop and scrolled through the internet looking for a place farther away from here.
I was able to find one and the owner said I can stop by tomorrow and look at the place.

Now, all I have to do is pack.

I grabbed the suitcases I kept under my bed and laid them on the ground.

The water turned off.

I stuffed the suitcases with as much clothes as possible before Rye came out, then pushed them under my bed again.

Quickly, I sat back down on the bed and opened a new tab on my laptop.

Rye came out without his shirt on.

"Okay, we can cuddle now, princess." he smiled.
"Yes, princess?"
"I forgive you."
"I forgive you for..you know."
"Thank you, princess."

"I love you, Rye Beaumont."
"I love you, Emma Walters."

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