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For the past half hour, Rye and I were in the bedroom. We were talking and cuddling.

"You know, I missed this."
"Yeah, me too."

He smiled.
"Um, Rye?"

"Yes, princess?"
"Do you remember who the girl was that you...yeah."
"Um," he shifted on the bed. "I think her name was Lily."
"Was she pretty?"

He looked at me.
"Not nearly as beautiful as you."
I shook my head.

"Hey," he cupped my face gently, "I love you, okay? Only you."
"I love you too, Rye...but-"
"I know, I know." he said, removing his hands.

"You ready to go home?" I asked.
"Yeah...I'll go find Olivia."

He stood up and put his shirt back on.

Once he left, I sighed and got up. I went outside and started the car. Now, I just have to wait.

I glanced at the clock.


If Rye makes it back in time, we can do our 11:11s, like we used to.

I watched the clock.


I heard a knock on the window and jumped slightly. I glanced at the passenger side to see Rye trying to tell me to open the door.

I unlocked it and Olivia stumbled into the backseat.

"Rye, it's 11:08."
"Three more minutes, princess."

Olivia was delirious and drunk to notice that Rye called me 'princess'.

I started the car and started driving home.

Rye turned the radio on and watched the clock.

"One more minute, princess."

I continued driving.

I pulled onto our street and parked the car so we could make our 11:11s.

He held my hands as we watched the clock change to 11:11.

"You're my 11:11." I said.
"You're always my 11:11." he said, kissing me.

"Mommy! Daddy! I want to go home!"

I pulled away from Rye and looked at Olivia. She had her arms crossed and acted like a child.

"What did you just say?" I asked.
"I want to go home!"

Rye was trying not to laugh.

"Olivia, we're not your parents."
"Drive me home!"

I ignored her and started driving the short distance.

"Okay, Liv, we're home."
"Yay!" she yelled, running out of the car.

I looked at Rye, who was staring at Olivia.

"Can you stay?"
He nodded.

We went out of the car and I opened the front door.

Olivia ran inside and collapsed into the couch, falling asleep instantly.

We quietly laughed.

"Let's go to bed."
"Sure." he said winking.
I chuckled and hit his arm.

I collapsed onto my bed and left a spot for Rye.

He took off his shirt and tucked himself under the sheets.

I turned my back, so I was facing him.

"Goodnight, Rye."
"Goodnight, princess." he said, kissing my forehead.

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