The Bar

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Today seemed like any other or so I thought. I was doing the usual money collection and my last stop was Obata's bar. I saw Tetsu and two other guests. It seemed like an interesting encounter. The girl was coked up to the nines and well from my point of view it looks like a negotiation was going on as Tetsu began to undress the girl. I rushed immediately through the door.

" Izuki-kun it's good to see ya again, "
said Obata.

I stared at Tetsu intensely and he looked at me with a nonchalant attitude.

" I'll say this once out of generosity get away from the girl or else," I said with dark glare.

Tetsu, the punk kid, and Obata laughed.

" Izuki-kun it's okay she's into this stuff. " said Obata chuckling a little with the comment.

" Yea kid, so get lost before you get what's coming or are you saying you want her first? " said the punk kid

Obata quickly responded and added to his.... smart remark,

" You see Hayato owes me and well she offered to help him."

Without any care, I replied with intent.

" I guess you didn't quite hear me, get away from her right now. "

Hayato began to laugh and challenged ,

" Really? and what do you plan on doing exactly kid? "

As those last words left his mouth, I smiled pulled out my silenced M9 and shot him in the head. As that happened, Tetsu tried to reach for his gun but I shot him in the head before he can touch it. Obata looked at me with a shocked yet scared-like expression.

" Clean this up Obata, I'll be taking the girl. Oh and as for his debt... well it's been paid. "

Obata replied quickly with out hesitation,

" Yes Oyabun. "

I left the bar with the drugged girl she laughed and spouted nonsense like every coked out person. I placed her inside my blacked out car and the driver processed to my home. As I walked in with the girl in my arms, both Sophia my maid and Ken (mentor) my saiko-komon both greeted me.

" Young Master welcome...... home "

The usual greeting was said with utter shocked and surprise as I told Sophia to wash the girl and send her to the guest room. I put the girl in Ken's arms and processed to my office. My name is Izuki Yamada, the youngest Oyabun of the Yakuza clan's Yamada family. My father was murdered and of course as the oldest son and only son for that matter, I took the mantle at 16. I know my father's murder was by another clan, but I couldn't prove facts on who or how. As I put the money in the safe, Sophia walked in.

" Young Master she's clean and sound asleep in the guest bedroom as requested. May I ask, why did you  bring her along in that condition? Are you taking up on the festivities as well?

I looked at Sophia and replied,

" I don't do that stuff, it's a harmful drug that only bring problems, need I remind you why I'm in this penthouse for a reason and not the main home Sophia? "

Sophia looked down at her feet and quickly replied,

" Of course not Young Master. God rest his soul now, but you do know your father loved you dearly. "

I looked at her and let out a sigh.

" I know Sophia, but that between cocaine, hot girls every night and partying, he didn't consider me when needed most. Both you and Ken have helped me since I was a child. "

Sophia smiled and replied happily,

" As long as you know that he loves you, that's all that matters, and by the way you should shower you stink like pee. "

Sophia left letting out her usual giggling. I got up from my seat and proceed to the bathroom. I pondered on what to say to that girl when she woke up, I should've asked Obata, but of course the heat of the moment got to me. I finished my shower and headed to my bedroom got changed into my causal black long sleeve shirt and dark jeans with my black boots. I headed towards the guest bedroom. The girl was sound asleep on the large bed, for a second I reminisced about a certain someone. Before I could realize what was going, The girl woke up to much surprise.

" W-WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?! "

I was startled a bit and realized that I was hovering over her my lips closely to hers. I sat on the bed properly and responded.

" Sorry about that, it was improper of me. My name is Yamada Izuki, I saw you unconsciously drugged up in a bar and well let's say you ended here with me. "

The girl looked around with a slight sad expression  and responded.

" Well I did say I was gonna help Hayato. He helped me and well I couldn't just let his debt affect him. "

I looked at her and replied

" He doesn't love you, he was gonna let his friend rape you hadn't I.... buy you off him. When he had paid his debt he ran with the rest of the money leaving you there. "

The girl looked at me shocked and responded

" Stop lying, Hayato loves me and you know nothing about him or how he cares about me. "

I got a bit upset and replied

" And you think you do? Clearly you're an idiot to believe that scumbag cares. Hadn't I did what I did you'd probably be dead or worse. "

As a silence broke out, Sophia walked in with coffee and snacks.

" Hello Young Miss, Young Master looks like you're having a good time. I brought some refreshments to...... "

As Sophia spoke I made my exit and closed the door behind me. I lend against the wall beside the door and listened in on to the conversation. I learned her name was Yoshida Saki, 16 years of age and runaway. Her life was set the moment she met that punk. She mentioned her school and what the boys did, her father god her father and what he did and her mistakes of listening to bad advice. Sophia later walked out, and closed the door.

" You heard everything, she kinda reminds me of....... Young Master she has no place to go. Do you think keeping her here is safe? "

I looked at Sophia and let out a sigh

" It's the only home she has for now, contact the private school and get her transferred in, Ken and I are going remove that video and wipe it out right now and one more thing Sophia... don't tell her what happened."

As I said this I left to the computer room where Ken and I got to work. As we saw those horrific videos we spoke.

" Yamada-san, you think taking her to your school would be the best option?"

I replied

" No, but in order to keep her safe, it's the only decision I have. "

The videos were removed off the net and off every cell phone with it. Her new life was about to begin, can I really protect her?

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