Chapter 3) The Whomping Willow.

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The end of summer couldn't have come quick enough if you ask me. As soon as I had gotten back to the manor after Diagon Alley I shoved the book I found inside my pillow case to read later, but never got around to it.

On the day we had to leave I had a bit of a late start, and when I say a bit, I mean a very late start. I woke up at 10:45, and the train leaves at 11:00.

I swore rather loudly as I climbed out of bed, running around the room like a mad woman and throwing random things into my trunk, including that black book. I was suddenly thankful that I had packed the majority of my things the previous night instead of leaving it last second like I normally did.

When I was done I had ten minuets left until the train left, so I waved my hand over my head to get ready, seriously thankful that I had magic and with a single wave of my hand I was showered, dressed, and had my hair and makeup done without even leaving the room.

I was wearing a pair of black jeans since summer was just over, a thick brown belt around the middle, a greyish shirt with funky patterns on it, a white cardigan, and my signature pair of brown boots, in which I tucked my wand. My makeup was natural, subtle browns and lipgloss, and my hair was in beach waves.

Five minuets.

I scampered downstairs and flashed myself to Kings Cross station, trunk in hand and making a mad dash towards Platform 9 3/4.

2 minuets.

I reached the barrier, and apparently I wasn't the only one with a late start. Two figures were pushing against the wall, attracting rather weird looks as well. They both had Hogwarts trolleys, and I immediately recognised Hedwig and Scabbers the rat.

There was less than a minuet to go until the train left the station, and by the looks of things, Harry and Ron were having great difficulty getting through. I joined their side, them not even acknowledging my presence and me not caring about theres as we all pushed hard against the brick wall. Nothing happened.

Three seconds... two seconds.... one second... gone.

"It's gone! The trains left! What if Mum and Dad can't get back through to us?"
Ron asked us, sounding completely stunned. "I honestly don't think that's the problem right now Ronald!" I growled, barging my shoulder against the brick only to pull back swearing loudly and rubbing my shoulder.

Harry grabbed my arm to stop me doing it again, and I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. "Can't hear a thing." Ron said, pressing his ear against the barrier again. "What are we going to do? I don't know how long it'll take Mum and Dad to get back to us."

People were staring to stare at us, probably from Hedwig's continuous hooting. "Let's just go wait by the car." I sighed, Harry nodding. Ron didn't move. "The car! We can fly the car to Hogwarts!" He's mental.

"Look. We're stuck, right? We've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards can use magic if it's a real emergency, section 19 or something in the Restriction of Thingy..." Ron asked. Gotta admit, it was legal, and we shouldn't get in trouble for it... not that I care about the last part anyway.

"Can you fly it?" Harry asked Ron, who nodded vigourously. I would have suggested that I could just flash us up to Hogwarts, but we were still in a public place and I didn't get the chance to say anything before Harry and Ron had started running towards the car park, Harry dragging me with him.

Ron unlocked the cavernous boot of a tiny ford Angela, which had obviously been adapted with magic, and hauled the three trunks inside along with Nutella, Hedwig, and Scabbers. We climbed into the car, Harry and Ron in the front with me in the back. I didn't mind, more space to start drawing and fall asleep, because the back seats of that car were seriously comfortable.

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