Chapter 4) Deep, deep trouble.

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All rights to Harry Potter go to our queen JK Rowling, I only own my original characters.

"Follow me." Snape hissed, spinning around and marching back into the castle. I looked up at Harry and Ron who both shrugged at me, the three of us walking behind him into the vast entrance hall.

A delicious smell of food was wafting from The Great Hall, and I turned towards it with a hopeful smile, but Snape stopped me and led us away from the warmth and light, down a narrow stone staircase that led into the dungeons.

"In!" He shouted, opening a door halfway down the cold passageway and pointed, Harry grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly before stepping into the room. The shadowy walls were lined with creepy ass shelves of large glass jars, in which floated all manner of revolting things I really didn't want to know the name of at the moment.

The fireplace was dark and empty, Snape closing the door to turn and look at us. "So. The train isn't good enough for the famous Harry Potter, his faithful sidekick Weasley and his sickening girlfriend Black?" He sneered. A blush painted my cheeks and my hand quickly left Harry's, arms wrapping around myself.

"No sir, it was the barrier at Kings Cross, it-" Ron started, but Snape was having non on of it. "Silence! What have you done with the car?"

Pretty damn sure Snape can read minds, because the look of menace he was giving the three of us seriously made me consider making a break for it. "You were seen by no less than seven muggles! Two muggles in London, convinced they saw an old car flying over the Post Office tower, at noon in Norfolk, Mrs. Hetty Bayliss, while hanging her washing out, Mr Angus Fleet, of Peebles, reported to the police."  Snape sneered, revealing a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Oops?" I asked, Snape's icy eyes flashing towards me. "The Whomping Willow... the most sacred tree on the grounds... considerable damage-" he started, but I cut him off. "That tree did more damage to us!"

"SILENCE!" Oh shoot. "Most unfortunately, you are not in my house and the decision to expel you does not rest with me. I shall go fetch the people who do have that happy power. You will wait here."

Snape left the room, and I turned to Harry and Ron, who were both extremely pale. I'm sure I wasn't any better. Ten minuets later, Snape returned, Professor McGonogall at his heels. I had seen McGonogall angry on multiple occasions, but this topped it all. She raised her wand and flames shot into the fireplace, immediately warming up the room.

"Sit." She ordered, Harry, Ron, and I sitting down straight away. "Explain."

Ron launched into the story of the barrier not letting us through and the whomping willow attacking us when we arrived, McGonogall hanging onto every word. As soon as we had finished, there was a knock on the door, opening to reveal non other than Dumbledore.

"We'll go get our stuff." I sighed sadly, moving towards the door. "What are you taking about, Black?" Barked Professor McGonogall. "Your expelling us, aren't you?" I asked.

"Not today, Miss. Black. But I must impress upon the seriousness of what you have done. I will be writing to your parents/guardians tonight" I'm screwed "I must also warn you that if you do anything like this again, I will have no choice but to expel you."

Snape looked like Christmas had been cancelled. Before he could say anything, however, he was swept out of the room along with Dumbledore.

"You'd better get to the hospital wing, Black. Your bleeding." McGonogall turned to me, Harry spinning me around to look closely at the cut on my neck with a look of worry gleaming in his emerald eyes. "Not much, I'm fine."

Luckily, we didn't get any points taken away from us, but we did get detention, which I wasn't too thrilled about. As for Dumbledore writing to the Malfoy's? Well. I was most likely to be beaten to a pulp when I next saw them, but I'd worry about that when it comes to it. The only reason they'd be mad is because the Whomping Willow hadn't squashed me flat.

Professor McGonogall waved her wand again, and a large plate of sandwiches appeared before us. "FOOD!" I screamed, diving forwards and attacking the plate of sandwiches. Harry and McGonogall chuckled at me whilst Ron dove in afterwards trying to pry at least one sandwich away from me. Not gonna happen buster, I'm tried, hungry, and grouchy, you better not mess with me.

When McGonogall left, we thought it was safe to speak. "I thought we'd had it." Harry said, settling down into one of the chairs and biting into the sandwich. "Can you believe our luck though? Fred and George must've flown that car five or six times and no muggle ever saw them. Why couldn't we get through the barrier?" Ron asked.

Once we had eaten as many sandwiches as we can, Harry, Ron, and I rose to our feet and left the office, treating the familiar path to the Gryffindor common room. Finally, we reached the secret entrance to the common room, met with the familiar yet ugly face of the fat lady in her portrait.

"Shoot." I muttered. We didn't know the password, not having met a Gryffindor Prefect yet, but thankfully, Hermione came to our rescue. "There you are! Where have you been?! The most ridiculous rumours - someone said you'd been expelled for crashing a flying car!"

"Mionie!" I yelled, hugging her tightly. "Well, we didn't get expelled..." Harry assured her, but this only fuelled her fire. "Skip the lecture and tell us the new password." Ron grumbled, Hermione rolling her eyes and reciting the password to the fat lady.

She tried to continue her lecture, but her words were cut short when the portrait hole swung open and there was a sudden storm of clapping. It looked like the whole of Gryffindor house was in there waiting for us. A pair of arms grabbed me and pulled me into the common room, Harry and Ron in the same position as me.

"Brilliant! Inspired! What an entrance! Flying a car right into the Whomping Willow, people'll be talking about that for years!" Lee Jordan yelled. "Good on you!" A fifth year I had never even spoken too patted me on the back. I swear, it was as if I had won a marathon.

"Why didn't you call us back, eh?" Fred and George asked, battling their way through the crowd to get to us. A bunch of girls in the corner grabbed me and pulled me towards them, congratulating me and flashing me award winning smiles. I spotted a very annoyed looking Percy fighting to get towards us, so I grabbed Hermione's hand and legged it up the staircase to the girl's dorms.

Sorry Harry, Ron. Sisters before misters.

I closed the door behind me, a smile on my face. "I'm not impressed." Hermione huffed, strutting over to her bed. "You never are. I could have died, okay? Can you at least be happy that I'm still here in one piece?" I sighed, walking over to my trunk and digging out my Lilo and Stitch pyjamas. Don't judge, stitch is adorable.

"I'm sorry, I just... I guess I thought when you didn't show up in that compartment and that you went on an adventure without me..." Hermione sniffed, sitting down beside me. "Your my best friend, okay? That'll never change." I smiled. We both hugged before she snuggled under the sheets of her own bed, me doing the same.

"Goodnight Mionie."
"Goodnight Silvia."

I closed my eyes, letting the peaceful sleep overtake me.

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