Coin Box Confession

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(Finny's POV)

I pace around my dorm room, waiting for Gene to get back from whatever he was doing. Probably finishing up some test. But that didn't matter. I was gonna tell him today. He would finally know how I felt. But, I didn't want to do it the way normal people did, what with flowers and dinner and cards, nope. I was going to tell him via coin box. I had seen a video about one that popped open when you put a coin in it, and I Googled how to make it. Now, coin box in hand, all I had to do was wait.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the door opens to reveal my roommate and crush: perfect student and all around perfect human Gene Forrester. He had a content look on his face, meaning that his test went well, which made me happy. I walked away from where I had been neatening my pink shirt with my coin box at the ready.

"Where ya been, pal?" I ask in the most casual way possible, even though I know where he was. Gene just smiled a bit more, making my heart swell.

"Just taking a Latin test, nothing exciting," he answered nonchalantly.

"Fun," I reply, and with that, I put the coin box in his left hand. "This is for you. It's a coin box." Gene looks it over, and I can swear that I saw a bit of pink dust his gorgeous cheeks.

"Thanks Finny. It's cute," Gene says approvingly. I silently thank the Google and YouTube gods. "I think I have a nickel in my pocket. I'll put it in the box now." He walks over to the desk, sets the box down, and rummages through his pocket for a nickel. I only watch, excitement building up inside me. When he finally finds the silver coin, he puts it in the coin box's slot, then jumps a bit, making me giggle, as the box springs open. He takes a look at the inside of the box. To the left of the middle square, there's an "I", directly above the square is a heart, and to the right of the square is a "U". On the square above the heart, I had painted a rainbow, and on the square below the middle square, I had put my initials. He turns to look at me, a bright red blush adorning his cheeks, and the only thing I can think while blushing like crazy is, 'God is he beautiful'. Coming toward me, for a second, I don't think he returns my feelings. But then he kisses me softly, and I kiss him back, feeling the happiest I've ever been. I don't want it to end, but we have to breathe, so he ends the kiss. By now, both of us are tomato red. I feel complete inside when he smiles at me and says the four words I've been dying to hear from him.

"I love you too."

Word Count: 499

A/N- Legit got this idea from a YouTube video. This is the first time I've tried fluff. So...yeah. Also:

In case y'all wanted the video.

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