The Trick

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"You do it."

 "No, you do it!"

 Suho was having a terrible morning( having discovered Lay was sneaking out at night as he was not very discreet about entering the dorm either.) and the two bickering children in front of him were starting to give him a headache, his annoyance didn't go unnoticed by Lay who quickly coughed to get the two boys attention.

 Chanyeol groaned, "Why the heck do I have to wake him up!?" Kai sighed exaggeratedly before taking tight hold of Chanyeol's cheeks and leaning closer "How many times do I have to tell you, it's your turn to wake Kris up, it's on the schedule!" Chanyeol glared, "Where?" Kai groaned and let go of his cheeks. Suddenly a large puddle of water floated in front of Chanyeol's face, and slowly thin and wavy lines of it moved to form a small calender, an identical copy of the one Chanyeol had in his room of the schedule..but his was made of paper. Every day of the month was filled with heavy activites all seven of them had to do, and on the very bottom of the dates, the members had scribbled a name for the different days. That was a thing on everyone's schedule to the exception of Kris. The members had all agreed that Chanyeol would be waking the non morning person up today and as evidence floated in front him in the form of water, he couldn't do anything more but to stand up and go wake the guy up..including the guest."You better take that water somewhere else before you lose control and wet my kitchen carpet." Kyungsoo threatened. Kai knew how to move water, he was good at making it deceive gravity too, but not for long and didn't know how to make it disappear either. That's what his training was for. And most of the times, when he would practice inside his and Kyungsoo's dorm he would spill and wet the floor. D.O would hit him every time he did too, so he was a big reason for Kai to practice harder during training.

Chanyeol knocked about a million times before entering the room. To his small surprise both idol and guest were in deep sleep. Kris was still in his jeans and black t shirt from last night, his shoes were still on and Chanyeol guessed the guy had only thrown himself on the bed not even bothering to make himself comfortable. On the other side, Baekhyun looked happy and warm. One leg hung out meanwhile the other was tucked in the blanket. Chanyeol thought the boy looked just like a puppy. And the pajamas he had on just made him look even more like one. It was a light color brown with the word 'Bark' printed all over it. His eyes wandered to the boys face, he wondered what he could be dreaming since his cheeks were a small shade of pink and he was smiling. Chanyeol felt warm and comfortable inside, but he cringed at himself realizing it was creepy of him to be staring at the puppy while it was sleeping and remembering what he was here for. He walked over to Kris bed before leaning down to his face, usually Chanyeol would tickle the guys foot to wake him up, but he got kicked in the face every time so that was no longer an option. Before Chanyeol could open his mouth a hand shot up to close it. "Dare you wake me up.." he didn't finish but Chanyeol got the warning. Kris only shifted a bit and Chanyeol knew if it wasn't Kris who killed him it would be Suho for letting the guy sleep in. But what can a man do? Kris wasn't a morning person. Everyone found out after Suho had woken him up that one day and Kris angrily filled him with lust (familiar to what his mother did to punish) so Suho ended up clinging to Lay the entire day, (much to his embarrassment) and Lay couldn't deny he liked the attention. But it wasn't until Suho asked to have sex with him that Lay practically begged Kris to free him. After agreeing Lay would bring him breakfast everyday in bed (whenever he desired to wake up) Kris let Suho free and much to the boys displeasure Suho remembered each and every moment of his lust. Something Kris hadn't mentioned. Something else that Kris hadn't mentioned is the punishment he had put Suho in was Suho's own secret lust hence why he clung onto Lay that day and not another man. Kris had told the rest of the guys later on in a drunk state but lucky Suho and Lay hadn't been there. Kris had also punished Xiumin for waking him up one day by making him fall in love with mess. Xiumin the cleanest member and the early bird, thought waking Kris up was no problem at all but when Kris shot his eyes open he could see the hatred and anger pulling up and Kris tugged him down to his face and whispered, "You're to fall in love with making a mess of everything." Xiumin spent the entire day making a fool of himself and covering the entire house with trash. The guys had laughed for a short time until the dorms started to smell like shit. That's when Kyungsoo made Kris free him. Kris had done many other things too, things they forbid anyone from speaking of a loud. When a member was told to wake the guy up they usually knocked on the door till they heard a loud groan or shake him awake and run away. Chanyeol had been warned so he knew he wouldn't be able to run away from any punishment. So he decided to wake the guest first.

 "Hey- hey wake up.." he's not even moving.. Chanyeol's voice went from a whisper to a loud one as he shook the sleeping boy "Wake up you've got to eat-" Chanyeol shirt was tugged and Chanyeol took it as a sign to move in closer so he leaned down to hear what the small puppy wanted to tell him, and without opening his eyes the boys hand shot up to pull on Chanyeol's ear. "I'm not a morning person, Yoda." Baeks voice was different from last night, he sounded heartless and pissed so it scared Chanyeol as he leaned away and backed up. Well of course, were all Aphrodite's children the same? He didn't want to know what would happen if he tried to wake the guy up again but Chanyeol could guess.                                                                                             He slowly and quietly walked out the room and back into the kitchen, where everyone turned heads to look at him. Kai smirked, "Coward." Chanyeol was about to reply but Kyungsoo gave him a look that warned him not to. "Where's Baekhyun?" Suho asked earning a chuckled from Park. "He's the guys brother. Same blood type, same attitude." Xiumin laughed, "You mean he's also not a morning person?" Park nodded taking a seat to finish his breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes. "That's exactly what I mean." he looked to Suho "Don't kill me." Yiking chuckled and almost choked on his cakes when Suho hit him upside the head. 


 It wasn't until twelve when both Kris and Baekhyun woke up to eat, the idols schedules weren't that heavy it being a Saturday but Kris was still behind. They didn't know about Baekhyun.Suho had to go help the new group of kids from Exo'luxion camp, newbie trainees today so he was gone by around nine. Xiumin had hunting practice with Kyungsoo and they started off early so after breakfast they had run off. Kai had asked Yiking to help him out for the day on his concentrating for better practice on how to control water. That left Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun the only ones left. Chanyeol lucky had the day off, so he planned on using it to practice his music. He hadn't done that in a while. Kris was sure to leave right after grabbing breakfast, he was supposed to meet with a son of Hecate today. It was a complete mystery to all about what those two did, Hecate being the god of magic, crossroad and ghosts. Dark and mysterious couldn't possibly go with beauty and love. But Kris being attracted to his cousin Tao son of the god of thieves wasn't exactly fitting either. Now, Baekhyun, Chanyeol didn't know. What exactly was the boy planning on doing today as he was now a son of Aphrodite and had duties?


 "Why didn't you wake me up?"

 Chanyeol scoffed "Because you told me you weren't a morning person so I just took it as a 'go away'." Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

Last night Baekhyun had thought of a plan. Not exactly a plan but it was a thought. His sisters had taught him a nice trick and power of Aphrodites. Not that Baekhyun was clueless to who his mother and could do, but he didn't know he could do just as she did.

 Seduction. Byun Baekhyun was going to seduce Park Chanyeol. He could make anyone fall for him right?

 "You should be grateful. Your hair looked like a pile of trash from where I stood."

 Now Baekhyun had to decide whether he was crazy last night because he was sure as hell determined to make Park Chanyeol fall for him. Now, he was questioning his true desires. Did he really want to seduce this giant fool when he could have any other guy?

 "Also you looked like a newborn puppy. I didn't want to wake you up" 

Baek blushed, Yes, he did want this one guy. 


Hey! So I usually go over the chapter the nest day or later on in the night to check for any mistakes.. but again, I'm trying to update every day so here is your chapter! Remember that votes and comment help a lot! Also, I'm aware I'm missing a member, our loved Sehun but I promise he's going to be coming in soon! So you'll be getting a bit of HunHun (Yes it's 2018 and this ship is sad to remember but they were just perfect and  can't see myself shipping Sehun with someone else.) 

Please continue to support and love our EXO! And continue loving Chanbaek!

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