Things shouldn't have happened

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Baekhyun was tired. Despite not having once worked in the entire day, giving as he got no news about his schedule...having followed Luhan around all day made a mess with him. He was planning on returing to the camp after they finished eating with Tao and Chen but it was better not to. Since Chanyeol and probably Kris were there.

"Did you hear?" Luhan asked. He was running now, Luhan liked to work his legs. But Baek wasn't going to run, so he sat on a bench near by, and as Luhan passed by they'd talk. Some would say it's ridiculous but Luhan ran at the speed of light. "Hear what?" Baek was uninterested. "About the new trainee." News traveled by fast here. "New trainee?" Luhan gave a small nod, "yeah, I just found out today." Baek furrowed his brows. "Hooow, I've been with you all damn day. You haven't talked to anyone like at all!?" Luhan smirked, and he finally stopped running to stand hands on his hips infront of Baek. "You space out sometimes." Baek rose a brow, "Space out?" Luhan laughed, "Yeah, you do that a lot. The point is everyone around us were whispering about it. I'm guessing they are a big deal..since Suho was walking with Mr.Chiro and both looked very serious. Suho looked pretty upset." Baekhyun sighed, "It might not even be important." Luhan shrugged crossing his arms. "Yeah, but I'm curious..if they are a big deal they might be a son of one of the big three. I'm hoping it's a son of Hades-" Baeks eyes widened, "Why the heck do you want it to be a son of Hades?" Luhan shrugged again, "He must be smoking hot" Baek groaned and stood up to walk away from his fool of a friend. "I'm so done with you."
Suho frowned, "Are we going to make an annoucement?" His mentor shook his head no. "He asked me not to tell anyone about who he was son of." Suho's eyes narrowed, "That doesn't seem like a good idea." His mentor stood up with a sigh, "For now Suho, his real identity should remain a secret. We'll let everyone get used to having him around." his hand moved to place on Suhos shoulder. "Will he be staying with the other new trainees then?" the elder shook his head. Suho took it the man didn't know. "When is he coming?" His mentor was already leading him out the door, "He's already here." Suhos eyes went wide, he opened his mouth again to speak but the man did so first. "Have a nice rest of the day Suho. I'll see you here again tommorow morning." the door was shut in his face and Suho could only let out an exhausting sigh. He'd be meeting with Kyungsoo and Xiumin for lunch now. Surely they are already waiting.
"You're so dumb." Lay let out. "And now we wasted half of the day chasing eachother around the beach. It couldn't have been less productive." Kai laughed, "Well the girls had fun." Lay rolled his eyes, "You should stop. Those are daughters of of them falls for you and you're dead." Kai smirked, "It's too late for that. I'm too handsome and they are too pretty, we fit." Lay only crossed his arms, "You're obviously not into them. You're killing to get into Kyungsoos pants though." Kai was now very flustered and Lay felt accomplished. "Shut up, how can you even say that when he's dating Chanyeol?" Lay chuckled, "Oh please, outside of the camp people might not know, but Chanyeol and Kyungsoo don't love eachother." Kai frowned, "Can we please not have this conversation?" Lay gave a small nod. "Sorry." Kai lost the frown and gave Lay a smirk instead, "Want to fight?" Lay laughed, "You leave a single scratch on me and Suho will strangle you." Kais smirk widened, "Mom wouldn't hurt her own children."
"How dare you leave me!? I took care of you all day cause you complained about not wanting to go back to the camp!" Baek rolled his eyes for the fifth time now "Well I'm tired. And I just want to go back now. I don't care if anyone is there or not.." Luhan pouted at a distance. "Go home Luhan!" Baek yelled as the space between them grew wider. "Can you believe him.." he said a loud to himself, since no one really hung around on this side of the 'park'.

"It is still early, isn't it?"
Luhan nodded, still looking towards where Baek now dissapeared. "I know right-WHAT THE HEll!?" The guy beside him gave him a small smirk, "You're the first person I heard to use Hell as an expression."
The camp was strangley quiet. Baekhyun thought that if either Chanyeol or Kris were in there the lights would be on. But as Baek entered he looked around only to meet with a dark and silent living room. Well they must be inside the dorm. "Don't mind if I turn on the light then.." he switched the lights on and moved to the kitchen and took a bottle of water. Opening it's cap to take a long drink and walking to his room.

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