Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

At the Dolphin Mall, it was interestingly serene and calming. Cool air wafted me as we walk into Sak's Fifth Avenue, greeted by a perky saleswoman.

"Do you think this shade looks good on me?" London asked as she tried out the MAC blush.

"Omg, that is perfect for you," Kayla gushed.

"Seriously, your face would look good in any shade," Tiffany admired.

I ignored them and began ransacking through the clothes for something decent like say, jeans or a t-shirt. I was in the process of looking over shoes when I happen to catch London, Kayla, and Tiffany in a tight huddle by the end of the purse section. With the stealth earned through football and working out, I walked quietly like a ninja to stand behind huge shelves of purses just on the other side of them.

"No way, are you serious? How can Alex be friends with Candace?" Kayla asked in exasperation.

"I'm serious. I saw them talking about something in the locker room and I swear, they look tight and friendly," London whispered confidentially.

"Looks like she join forces with the 3 C's now," Tiffany murmured.

I narrowed my eyes. That London is a fucking Doberman insider her sweet poodle costume. She's a freaking fake and out to get me. I don't know why, I mean, what have I ever done to her?

I left my hiding space and walk innocently towards them.

"Hey, guys, have you guys found anything yet?" I asked sweetly.

Man, I should get an Oscar for faking this well, I mean, I even kept my voice friendly, and nice.

"No, my mom called, saying that I have to get home," Kayla said hastily.

"Yeah, me too," Tiffany agreed.

They were looking at London expectantly but she shook her head, "No, I think I am going to find something for Landon. It's almost his birthday."

The nodded and left, without giving me a goodbye or hug. Bitch, London is going to pay.

I turned to stare at her full on, "London, what the hell have I ever done to you?"

"Nothing, besides dating the guy I like and is loved by the whole school," she replied coldly, her eyes cunning and apprehensive.

"What? Is this some sort of popularity competition with you?" I snapped.

"It's not really a competition considering how I'm more beautiful than you are," she smirked.

"You know, I can snap you like a twig so hard, you fucking need a transfusion and a body brace," I said with acid in my voice.

"Oh, I know you can beat me up, Alex. But what will Tiffany, Kayla, Aiden, and the rest of the school think when you beat someone as innocent as me?" she smiled wickedly.

I smirked, "I'll just say it's an accident."

She glared, "Face it, Alex. I'm better, more beautiful than you and you know it. Mind as well give up Aiden before you're done for good."

"Beat it, bitch. Until I'm six feet under, I can care less about you're threats," I snarled and walked away.

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