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I'm too lazy to name these chapters so yeah.

PP never happened i could rant forever on why PP was awful so don't even ask. Again his backstory was changed in this story so that will be explained in the next few chapter when i get them up

Key: bold for A.N., italics for thinking, and normal for everything else

I don't own anything but the story line


Nobody in particular's POV

"Daniel James Fenton was a brave young man. If anyone would ask you who he was you would either shrug or just say a nobody, just a geek, but he was more to us than we ever knew. He was a hero!  Someone who would put others before himself, and, in his friends' words, he had a huge "hero complex".  He might have been a little lask luster in his studies, but he was an aspiring astronaut.  NASA would have been lucky to have him in their space program. He even had plans to go to one of their camps. 

Danny was a warrior, a hero:  He pushed people away from that burning building and ran to help anyone else still trapped inside. He didn't care if they were mean to him before, he just wanted to save them. He wanted to save everyone. Even in school, he was a hero.  He chose to be the one bullied, so that other kids wouldn't have to face that. 

Danny Fenton was many things. He was a caring son. A loving brother. A loyal friend. A faithful student. And even a favorite punching bag. But no matter what, he will always be in our hearts and prayers as we all try to move on," Lancer finished his speech outside of the burnt out crisp of a school that used to be Casper High just as eyes filled with tears. 

The only ones' who had dry eyes were his best friends Sam and Tucker as they headed to the cemetery. 

Sam's POV

We just heard what Mr. Lancer had to say but they didn't know the sweet, caring, funny, cute... wait, no, I didn't just think that. Well on with it, they didn't know the real Danny the Danny that saved them from Pariah Dark and multiple ghost fights. They just knew the weak cowardly Danny that he made himself out to be so he could fly under the radar. They didn't have the right to talk about him like he was dead. He wasn't dead he's Half-ghost, he couldn't be dead. I don't care if my eyes saw him go into the school and never come out, he is alive.  I can feel it. 

Sam and Tucker walked in silence as they headed toward the cemetery where their best friend was supposedly buried. 

"I can't take this, Tucker, he's not dead, right! I mean he's half-ghost. Maybe he was captured after he ran into the building. And why the heck didn't he go into his ghost form!"

" Sam, I don't know," said Tucker quietly. 

The silence continued after my outburst. 

I just couldn't talk anymore, whenever I tried it just got caught in my throat. I just had so may questions, like:Why did a stupid fire kill him when thousands of electricity couldn't? Why didn't he use his ghost powers?  Why was he more distant from us? What could he see that we didn't? Why was he leaving class early when his ghost sense didn't go off?  Who was that goth guy that Danny was hanging out with? And a hundred more.

The smell of death and grave dirt was getting stronger as we got closer to those big iron gates. Tucker heaved them open with a creak. We didn't have to look long for our best friend's "grave".  It was in front, a tall full body monument of him smiling. Ingraved in the stone was "A Hero Till the End."

Maybe he is really gone. 

I ran. I ran into the arms of Tucker. And cried. More like I sobbed. I cried until the sun left the sky. Tucker patted me on the back signaling that it was time for us to go home.

As we left the cemetery, a lone shadow walked out from the tree line.

(I was planning on ending this here, but that didn't make 1000 words, so for a pretty much unrelated scene)

Tucker walked me home, but before I opened the door:

"Uh Sam, I know how your parents get on your nerves, and with Danny... Do you want to spend the night at my house?" asked Tucker. 

"Sorry Tuck, but I just want to be alone right now."

"Okay, have a good night, Sam"

I didn't have to take two steps inside my house before I was bombarded with pink froufrou dresses, and pleas to give up my individuality, like that will every happen. Why can't they realize that they can never take that way from me? I locked myself into my room and pulled out my old scrapbook.  It had all my memories in it. 

When I first met Danny at the playground. We were in second grade. He was so cute. 

When Tucker, Danny, and I went to the movies to see the latest dead zombie teacher. 

And us freaking out at the Fenton's when we thought there was a zombie in their basement.  It turned out that it was just Mr. Fenton looking for the emergency ham.

When he was angry at my family for grounding me because I went goth. 

The portal incident. (You know this one)

Wait go back one, why are Danny's eyes green in this one?  This was a year before he got his ghost powers. But its late I'll just tell Tucker tomarrow. As I drifted to sleep I had one single thought:

Clockwork would know what happened to Danny.

Yeah, I made 1000 words. Before I edited, with help from my mom, it was only like 960 words. I'm pretty sure it's good. So give me feedback and if you don't. I will hunt you down. J.K. I'll be pretty cool with it. (>^x^<) see you next time I'll be able to write. Oh yeah I'll probably be more inspired to right if I get comments so...

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