Chapter 1

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So I could say that I was really busy but the truth is that I got caught up in anime like fairy tail and blue exorcist (amazing by the way) and have been drawing fan art (u can check it out in my online sketchbook just go to my profile in works or something like that) ok so that's the reason this took so long *hides behind couch* ok I'm back and  ur probably thinking shut up and get on with the story. Well fine. And to clarify TUE never happened but Danny still met Clockwork, Dani doesn't exist ( the timeline wouldn't work with her in it 😢), and Danny doesn't have ice powers; I hope that cleared things up  and if anyone has any questions just ask. (>^x^<)

Oh yeah the disclaimer: I only own the storyline

Danny's POV (3days before prologue)


"Ugh, SHUT UP." (Ecto blasts sizzles out while trying to shut off the cursed alarm clock)

Turning it off I thought, it's the dreaded Monday with power malfunctions yeah this is going to be a great day.

"DANNY, WAKE UP OR YOUR GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL," I heard mom shout from downstairs.

"Ugg... why can't the box ghost stay in his lair for one night?" 

Rolling out of bed I sleeplily put on my trademark white and red shirt, blue jeans, and red convers. 

Ok now all I have to do today is go to school, get out of class for an eventual ghost attack, fight said ghost, get back to class, get detention, go hang out with Sam and Tucker, and lastly not let anyone find out that I'm half-ghost. Easy...

Heading to the bathroom I noticed that Jazz was still in there.

"Jazz, I need to get in there or I'm gonna be late, hurry up."

"You should have been up earlier," said Jazz in a muffled voice.

'click' goes the lock

I suppressed a giggle

Oh silly Jazz, locked doors cannot stop a ghost.

Just to try and scare her I turned my hand intangible, reached out... and... hit the door. I hit the freaking door while intangible what the heck, I thought I finally had control over my powers and now this.

Well, I'll talk it over with Sam and Tuck at school if Jazz ever actually gets out of the bathroom. Although Jazz knows my secret I don't usually bring up my problems because she gets a little overprotective. And there was my understatement of the day.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


After I was done brushing my teeth, which I will say only took TWO minuets, I walked back to my room to pick up my backpack. Where mysteriously on my bed sat a black ring case with white trim and a note which read.

"This will help you with the ghosts and monsters -Dad"

Well as much as I was weary of the box, I couldn't shake the feeling that I would need it, so I shoved it into my bag and ran out the door grabbing a granola bar and saying, "Thanks for the gift, Dad"


Nobody's POV

"What was that all about," said Maddie.

"I don't know Maddie, Maybe..." Jack started and Maddie finished, "Jack, Danny is not a ghost." 

"Aww, but I wanted to test out my new poltergeistparalyzer," Jack whined.


Grover's POV (at CHB)


"Amity Park, Illinois,"  said Chiron calmly.

 "NO, NO WAY AM I GOING THERE! That is the one place that no nature spirit will ever go its a miracle the plants are still alive. It is teeming with the undead; the mist can't even cover it."

"Grover you are our best satyr and this Demi-god needs you to go and bring him or her to camp right now, from what we can gather is that he or she is powerful and if the monsters haven't already visited then they will soon," answered Chiron.

"If I'm gonna go than someone better be common with me"

"Fine, I'll see if Nico is free he is the best person to deal with the undead," said Chiron with a defeated sigh.

Aww I wanted Percy to come or even Annabeth (she's a little bossy but at least she knows how to hold a conversation) Nico, he just gives me the chills.


Danny's POV

Walking down the sidewalk I met up with Sam and Tucker. 

"Guys see what my dad made for me."

Both taking a step away from me I said, "Oh come on it hasn't blown up... Yet"

"yet... It's hasn't blown up yet, I can't risk this beautiful face taking chances with inventions from your dad," Tucker shouted motioning to his face. 

"as much as I hate to agree with Tucker, your dad isn't the most capable inventor, and if anyone can attest to that it's you I mean how many times has your father made something that had gotten you in a world of trouble," Sam disclamed

"I know but this seems harmless," I said pulling out the little black box.

Sam ripped if out of my grasp as I started to open it, exclaiming "Don't open that for all we know it's something that kills ghosts upon contact." 

"Come on I want to see what it is," I pouted.

Fine but I'm opening it, she said

Knowing that there was no sense in arguing Tucker and I gathered around Sam as she pried the lid open. Clean chin your eyes shut we expected the worst. 

After a few minutes of silence Sam was brave enough to peek her eyes open and said, "um it's just a ring," 

Tucker and I opened our eyes simultaneously and saw that she was right. In that black box there was a iron ring, white painted lines swirled along the other wise black surface meeting together around a bright green gem.

Taking it out of Sam's  hand I faintly heard Tucker say, "Well that was anticlimactic."

Brushing my fingers along the surface I noticed a shallow ingraving.  


I thought this was a good place to end, and it is up to you if you think that this was a cliff hangers not, I don't think so but share what you feel, I'm open to constructive criticism. I just want you to know that I do not withhold chapters if no one reviews it is just that I feel more inspired to right if I know that people are enjoying my story. Toodles.

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