Chapter 3

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Sup, Y'all you know that writing thing that I was talking about well that worked until I got more homework, finals, and a music teacher who sucks at relaying info on the district choir auditions. Learned a song for that competition one day , but surprisingly still made it so yeah! So now on to the story.

Yeah I wrote that into like in November... or something like that. Sorry I haven't updated in forever but I kinda lost interest in the story. And I logged onto Wattpad today and was bombarded with stuff for this story. So now I feel really guilty. I'll really try to update every month, but no promises especially since I'm working on a comic with my best friend and she keeps me motivated for it. I mean seriously she texts me every night asking if we can write and at this point we have 250+ pages of dialogue and junk (we haven't even started drawing scenes yet). So long story short I will try my best to update enough and give you guys an ending that was worth all this waiting. 

I own nothing

P.s. "ancient Greek" , thoughts, "speaking"

Also if I make Nico ooc, I'm sorry I haven't read Percy Jackson in a while (2-3yrs) and am open to tips on his character and speaking patterns

Last time...........................................................................................................

Supposed Hero: Iviso-Bill Leaves Amity Open for Ghost Attacks

"Do you care to explain this?" (Jazz)

Danny's POV--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My mouth dropped and my oh so intelligent answer was "Whaaaaa"

Thoughts spinning through my head as my breaths became shallow and quick

My ghost sense never went off. Why didn't my ghost sense go off? Does this have something to do with my powers acting up? I hope no one got hurt. Does this mean that I won't be able to protect anyone anymore? Will the ghosts leave once they know that there isn't a challenge anymore or will they take over the city? Who will save the town now?

Regaining my focus as Jazz shook me, I lowered my head I whispered quietly, "I didn't know"

Losing her reprimanding tone she asked, "What do you mean?"

Louder I replyed, "Something's been up with my powers, and my ghost sense never went off, so I had no way of knowing that a ghost was causing trouble."

"Oh, Danny, why didn't you tell anyone? We could've figured out what was wrong."

"I didn't want to worry anyone"

"You know we only worry because you could get hurt or worse. I mean what if your powers gave out while fighting Ghost X; you could be hanging on his mantle right now."

Not wanting to think about that I stuck my tongue out, but before I could respond Jazz said, "Well, it's too late to change the past so get up to bed, and right after school we are doing full diagnostics on your ghost half. No getting out of it."

"Yeah yeah, Night Jazz"


"Aaaaaaaaaaah, Vega slow down," I shouted over the wind. 

Yes, I was three thousand feet above the ground on a bronze colored Pegasus named Vega who at this time snorted and responded with, "Well, maybe if you got your hooves out of my side I'll think about slowing down." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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