Chapter 2

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I know it's been a long time. And I have absolutly no excuse... I have a little bit  of writers block for this story but I'm not planning on giving up, cause I have readers in the hundreds. Reviews would help me write faster... cause then I'll feel guilty.

P.s. words in quotes and italicized are in Greek, italicized are thoughts, and quotes are u know quotes

Let me know if any of you can't  read italics (it's a real thing), cause I'll go back and change it if anyone reviews to tell me 

Also Jazz knows Danny's secret

I don't own anything

Danny's POV


After saying that word, the ring seemed to vibrate sending a tingle down my spine. I know that this ring is only going to help.

Bringing me back in to reality, Sam was waving her hand in front of my face and saying, "Earth to Danny, Come in Danny; what did you say?"


Tucker and Sam shared a glance.

"Okay stop fooling with us," said Sam annoyed, "What does it say and when did you have time to learn another language?"

Learn another language? What are they taking about I'm speaking English?

"Me messing with you; you're the ones messing with me"


"What was that for!"

"You were speaking gibberish, so I, being merciful, decided to knock some sense into you," replied Sam smugly as Tucker tried and failed to keep his giggles at bay, "but seriously, what was that?"

"I could understand myself fine, must be a ghost language or something," I shrugged it off

"Well, let's hope you don't slip into it at school or else I'll have to slap you again," said Sam concerned.

"If you do though make sure I'm there to record it," Tucker demanded with a smile.

"Well let's just hope that luck, does us a favor today.Come on we gotta go or else we'll be late for school." I said walking away.

Tucker and Sam shared an uneasy look saying, "When has luck ever smiled on us?"

After five minuets of walking and talking about Doom we finally made it to the Hell Hole known as school.

Time skip-after school

"Man I can't believe that, my ghost sense didn't go off for the entire day!" I exclaimed to my two best friends.

"And you didn't slip into that strange language maybe our luck is turning for good?" Tucker stated.

"Tucker!!" Sam and I said together, "you just jinxed us."

"Oops," he said sheepishly and then continuing on with, " Well, you guys want to go to the Nasty Burger?"

"I better not, I have a lot of homework to catch up on. Well, see you guys tomorrow." I said as I walked into Fenton Works.

After walking into the living room I heard sounds of machinery in the lab, and the occasional explosion racked the house. Parents must be working on a new invention. After climbing the stairs to my room I sat down and worked on homework and studied for my math test. Giving up thinking Ugg why am I so bad at math?  Might as well talk with Tucker and Sam. Looking on the computer screen, I opened the chat room.

Ghost Boy online

Fryertuck: Done w/ months of HW already

Ghost Boy: No, but needed a break after 5 hrs

Chaos: well since ur w/ us might as well figure out what language u were speaking earlier, if it is a human language

Fryertuck: let's start w/ 💀  languages first

Ghost Boy: or we could just translate the engraving on the ring

Fryertuck: yeah that's a lot less complicated 

Chaos: well what is it

Ghost Boy: says it's Anciet Greek, but why would I know that

Chaos: it is a dead language maybe ghosts can undersand all dead languages

Ghost Boy: if that were true why couldn't i understand/talk in Esperanto to Wulf

"Danny come down here right now!" I heard Jazz yell from upstairs.

Ghost Boy: sorry, ttyl The Jazzisaurus is roaring

While turning of my computer and running down the stairs, I yelled "What?" Though after seeing the TV headline I skidded to a stop.

Supposed Hero: Iviso-Bill  Leaves Amity Open for Ghost Attacks

"Do you care to explain this?"


Yeah I know it's short but again I was uninspired and expect another chapter up soon I'm starting this new writing thing, where before bed I write a bit, should help me produce new chapters faster. But no promises. Also I'm gonna publish this chapter without editing (I want to get it out as soon as possible) so if there are mistakes don't hesitate to tell me.

Toodles- next chapter should have Grover and Nico in it but no promisies (plot bunnies change

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