Chapter 1

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It seemed like a normal day for Alice Krikland, she woke up with her beautiful French girlfriend, Françoise Bonnefoy in bed next to her, got out of bed and made some tea before waking the sleeping French woman with a soft kiss and a cup of earl gray. Then followed by a shower, breakfast, and a trip out to meet with Amelia at a nearby store for another rant session from the American about her Japanese boyfriend. When she finally returned home, Alice was expecting Françoise to be sitting at the piano that they had in their living room, but the blue eyes girl wasn't there. Now where in the bloody hell is she? She thought to herself before that question practically answered itself. Her distinct voice could be heard from another room, yelling in French, as if she was arguing with someone. The Brit removed her shoes before shutting the door and yelling out "Françoise I'm home." The French woman quickly left the room she was in and greeted her. "Welcome home ma cheri. How was your day with Amelia?" She asked, kissing Alice on the cheek. "Fine. Why are you still in your pajamas? Its 12 o'clock in the afternoon love." She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the blue eyed woman. "Sorry ma amie. I wasn't paying attention to the time. I shall go get changed and then we can do whatever your heart desires." She said booping the smaller woman on the nose before making her way up to the second floor. Alice sighed before following Françoise upstairs silently as not to have the woman know. As she opened the door slowly, the French woman removed her shirt, revealing numerous scars to Alice. She gasped loudly before ducking behind the door and taking off down the stairs as she wanted to get to the nearest phone. She grabbed the land line from the counter and quickly dialed the first number that popped into her head. "Hallo?" "It's Alice. Can I talk to Lucila?" Alice asked quickly, hoping Monika wouldn't ask why the Brit needed the Italian. "Give me second." (I can't write German accents I'm sorry) The German said, her accent made it kind of hard for Alice to understand. "Alice!~" Lucila practically screamed making Alice hold the phone away from her ear. "Can I ask you something about Françoise? Something kind of....showed itself and I don't know what to do about it." She said awkwardly and the Italian went silent as a door opened and shut in the background. "Ask away! Monika can't hear anything we talk about." She said and the Brit took a deep breath before speaking, glancing at the steps for the French dame. "So Françoise went to go take a shower and I went up after her to get her clothes out while she was in the shower like I always do. Well she was undressing in our room instead of the bathroom and I saw scars up and down her back. Did your wanker of a girlfriend do something to her or something?" Alice asked and she heard the Italian make a 'thinking' noise. "Don't think that she did anything." Alice sighed, knowing that she would have to ask her girlfriend about it now. "Okay. Thanks for trying. Tell Monika that I'm sorry for bothering you guys." "I will. Ciao!~" The Brit sighed before putting the phone down and turning around to see Françoise walking down the stairs, the blonde's hair looked brown due to still being wet and she fumbled with her tie. Alice sighed before walking over to the other woman to fix her tie. "Fran, can I ask you a question love?" She asked, working on Françoise's tie. "Anything ma cheri." She said, her French accent felt like it complimented the Brithish woman's. "Did Monika do it to you? Did she cause the scars on your back when she took you from me, Amelia, Madeline, and Ivan?" She asked, unknown tears began to brim in her green eyes. "Alice. Don't cry my beautiful Angleterre. I will tell you about it mais, we have a luncheon to go to and a movie with Amelia and Honda." She said, and Alice pulled her down to kiss her by the tie, the taller woman gladly excepted the kiss and held her there by her hips. Alice pulled away, not wanting to lose the warmth and softness of her French partner's lips. Françoise whined softly, wiping away the tears from the smaller woman's face. "Je t'aime." "Love you too...crazy frog." Alice said before her lips were captured again, this time the French woman backed her into a wall, careful to not hurt the smaller woman. After a few minutes the two separated for air, both women wore matching blushes before Françoise took a step back from Alice, the English woman let go of her tie so the French woman could tuck it into her blazer. "I'm guessing that we have to leave now, oui?" She said before the Brit threw care to the wind. "We don't have to go to lunch, you did say 'we could do anything my heart desires' and I want some champagne." Alice said, grabbing Françoise's tie again before pulling the French woman to her. Both women smiled before reconnecting themselves for a very heated make out session in their stairwell. "This isn't a good time is it, eh?" Françoise practically fell off of Alice, and probably would of busted her head open if the Brit didn't have hold of then French woman's tie. Madeline stood in the doorway, watching the two Europeans throw the other off. The Canadian stood there, waiting for a response from the parent nationalities for her country. "W-what?" "We're going to be late for lunch, eh." She said before the blondes went different ways to get their shoes and hopefully to get Madeline to forget about a very steamy make out session and also to calm themselves down.

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