Chapter 5

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Ivan and Rachel sat silently on the Russian's couch, the events from the night before still playing through their minds. "Do you think she's alright?" The brunette asked, keeping her focus on the wall next to her. "I do not have that knowledge Vargas, but Bonnefoy is strong woman she will pull through." Ivan said, getting up from off the couch. "Want something that calms mind?" He asked, being generous to his roommate. She nodded her head, not wanting to speak anymore. She checked her phone, hoping to have any messages from anyone but she had nothing. She sighed before trying the group chat that her younger sister thought was a good idea.

R.Vargas: Hey does anyone have any news on Françoise?
A.Jones: Nope nothing. Alice isn't even responding. That douche
M.Williams: She might be too worried to answer anyone until she gets news.
A.Jones: Maybe but its still unlike her
A.Kirkland: You know I'm right her you wanker?
R.Vargas: How's everything going Alice?
A.Kirkland: Besides the fact that I found out that some people I trusted withheld information from me about my girlfriend and that she tried to kill herself and has a 50% chance of living I'm bloody fine Vargas.
T.Väinämöinen: Let's all just calm down and not get into any unnecessary fighting
A.Jones: He has a point. We're all just stressed on how Francy is doing so I say we all come to mine and Kiku's house and crack some cold ones
A.Kirkland: Let me think...NO! I'm not leaving Françoise here by herself and don't call her Francy
T.Väinämöinen: I'm still out of town with Berwald.
A.Jones: What about you Vargas? You and Ivan gonna come and bring your sister?

Rachel sat there for a minute, staring at her phone until Ivan responded to the group.

I.Braginsky: We can if Vargas has need to
R.Vargas: Fine we'll be there. Kirkland you should come. Françoise will be under constant watch by medical professionals and she does have her phone there sì?
A.Kirkland: I'll be there. Françoise just told me to go
M.Williams: She's awake? Oh thank goodness.
A.Jones: Tell her to get her ass in this chat so we all can talk to her
A.Kirkland: She's not really suppose to move her arms.
F.Bonnefoy: Nonsense Angleterre, it doesn't hurt to to let our friends know that I'm doing alright myself.
L.Vargas: Francia you're okay!
A.Jones: There's the second Vargas
T.Väinämöinen: I heard what happened. I'm glad that you are still here Françoise. Berwald says that he's glad too
A.Jones: We all are excited that you're still here Frenchy
F.Bonnefoy: Don't call me that. You know much I hate that nickname Amérique.
A.Jones: Love you too Françoise
R.Vargas: Guys me and Ivan are gonna head over to Amelia's and pick up Lucila.
A.Jones: Got it
A.Kirkland: If its not to much trouble, can you guys get me and drop me of at my house? I kind of rode in the ambulance with Françoise yesterday.
R.Vargas: Ivan can get you while I get Lucila.
I.Braginsky: I did not discuss Vargas but I will get Kirkland.

Rachel powered off her screen before grabbing her keys and purse. "I'll see you at America's house." She yelled out to the Russian before heading out of the door. After a short drive, the brunette Italian pulled up in front of her sister's house, the younger Italian fighting with her German girlfriend on the front porch. "I'm going to her house Monika. You can't boss me around anymore!" "I'm just protecting you Lucila." "Like how you were 'protecting' me from Bonnefoy? She tried to kill herself and Alice said that you tortured her. I don't want the same fate Ciccino." Lucila used air quotes around the same word that Monika spoke before her. The blonde looked over to see the older Italian sitting in her car, waiting for her sister. "Fine. Go to that Gehirnverweigererin for all I care but don't forget that they were our enemy and may always be the enemy.We're done Lucila if you can't listen to me then we aren't a good match." She said, tears beginning to form in the red haired Italian's brown eyes. Lucila turned quickly before running to Rachel's car, tears flowing down her cheeks now and her sobs could be heard by the older girl in the car. Throwing open the passenger car door, she hopped in before shutting the door, and hugging her older sister who rubbed her back. "Its okay Cucciolo. I'm right here I'm not leaving again." Rachel whispered softly, holding onto the girl as she sobs calmed down a little before letting go. "She broke up with me Rachel. I told her about how Françoise tried to kill herself and-" Lucila started but was stopped when Rachel put a finger over her lips. "I heard Cucciolo. I'll talk to her at a later time. If you want you can stay with me and Ivan if you want." She said smiling at her younger sister. "Thank you but Madeline already said that I could stay with her." She said before buckling herself and sitting properly in her seat. Rachel nodded her head before putting the car in gear and heading off for the American's house.

As all this was happening, Ivan pulled up to the hospital where Alice stood out front waiting for him, the blood on her dress was covered by Françoise's jacket. He pulled the car over next to her before putting it into park. "It is a good morning Kirkland. Bonnefoy is doing well correct?" He asked as the Brit walked around the car to get in the passenger seat. "Yea. They were taking off her bandages when I left. She might be home in a few day but only if someone is going to watch her during the day while I'm at work." She said, the blonde yawning as she buckled up, not having slept well the night before. "I can watch her for you. Beilschmidt doesn't know where my house is and my knives and guns are locked up. So it is safe for her there." He said, putting the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot. "You can promise me that you won't let her out of your sight?" "Promise. Now left of right?" He asked and Alice started to give him directions to her house so she could shower and change.

Gehirnverweigererin- Brain dead or stupid

Holy crap did I write this quickly. Sorry to any GermanyxItaly fans that I may of just pissed off but I have my reasons for them breaking up. It's needed for the plot I promise! I know my updating schedule is kind of weird but its because of some personal stuff in my life. I know this is kind of late but Happy Easter to those of you reading that celebrate it and if not I hope you had an awesome day yesterday. -Dani

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